What does the Bible say about cremation?


The Bible says it's not the body that matters because it will turn back to dust where it first came from, but what matters is the heart and intentions.

Vinegar Taster2019-05-04T20:38:41Z

How much of your body is left after 20 years in the grave ?
Or you burn to death in a fire ?


The Bible does not specifically forbid cremation. However the rebuke is implied, and not directly expressed. First of all, we know that God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ spoke about the resurrection of the dead. If the dead will be raised back to life on the Day of Judgment, why would bodies be cremated? On the agenda of many prominent Biblical figures, Abraham died and was buried, the same happened to Jacob, Lazarus, the Lord Jesus too. None of the Biblical men of God were given the message of cremation. When the Messiah died on the Cross, the body was buried and later raised back to life. Surely there was no room for cremation. The Bible says the dead will be raised from the soil (Daniel 12:1-3) on the last day, therefore cremation is evil and anti-Christ.


cremation = devil worship.

only blasphemers such as lenin should be burned (according to saint pelageya of ryazan).

if lenin were to be buried, then china would attack russia (as punishment for polluting the earth with the body of lenin).

when u cut ur hair, ur hair is supposed to go into the ground.. but if u go to a barber, (s)he will burn it; so, don't go to a barber/hairdresser.


Ashes to ashes? But I don't believe the Bible specifically references cremation.

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