Is it normal to not see semen if you ejaculate 3 times a day?

if I already ejaculated 3 times in a day is it normal for the third time to not see semen and only clear fluids?


Yeah, you can run dry, some guys run dry after 1 time, some don't run dry until after 5 or 6 times.


Only so much semen is stored in the two seminal vesiciles. One can run out of it temporirly, which is what you did.

Lay off a few days while more is secreted.

pit bulls bite2019-09-16T11:52:27Z

give it a break............


Obviously normal for you. Semen is produced by your
prostate on demand ( like saliva ) but sperm and zinc
and sugars have to c um from stock in seminal vesicles..
So you will get fluid BUT less color and thickness.

Diane A2019-09-16T05:13:19Z

yes its normal, although since sperm are microscopic, they can still be present but each time you ejaculate you empty the canals making them, too much and the body hasnt had time to replenish--they arent stored up

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