Isn't it time more boys realised that when they take a girl out to eat, THEY must pay. The girl is 'paying' in a sense just by being there.?


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The guys are usually the ones asking for the date, so it's their responsibility to pay for the night.  Many times, the girl rewards the guy with something much better. 


Are you gay? you look like one


Absolutely!!!  The mere company of a woman is priceless.  He should not only pay, but open doors, carry her belongings, and in general treat her like a queen.


Girls want equality, right? Well so do boys. Don't expect us to buy a bunch of stuff for you, make the first move with everything and be happy just from your presence. That's quite an ignorant view you've got, what makes you think you being there is a payment?


I'll take troll for $1000 Alex.

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