What do i tell my son when the father told me to tell him he was dead and wanted nothing to do with him?

Do i tell him or not


Tell him his father turned out to be bad person and that you're sorry you picked such a loser to have him with. But explain that most men are good people who don't abandon their children and that your intent is to raise him to one of those. It helps to have a good uncle, grandfather or male friend to provide the masculine influence he'll need.

Pearl L2019-10-14T15:29:05Z

i wouldnt say anything


I have a hard time believing this is true. But if it were true, i wouldn't tell a child that ever.


Yes, it is better than being deceived by having a bad father


That depends a lot on what kind of relationship your son and your ex have had up until now. Assuming your son is pretty young there is absolutely no reason to tell your son that his dad doesn't want anything to do with him.

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