Cake Pan/Cornbread pan like grandma's?

Long story short Mom once upon a time inherited grandma's dishes and pots and pans after her passing, and apparently 'they don't make them like they used to'. Someone in the family stole the 'cornbread pan' many years ago and I'd forgotten all about it til finding a good and sturdy yet smooth pan at a goodwill one day and....I intended it for my sister but mom called dibs explaining it was exactly like the one she had before. Several family members now have their eye on mom's new cornbread pan. Now I'm on the hunt because most of the things in the stores now are shiny stainless steel or the flimsy feeling metal that I'm afraid will bend if you happen to drop it. I'm hoping someone can give me a clue where to find a round pan that is both light yet has a little weight to it. I can't ID the brand or anything because the outside of the pan is black. 

Nikki P2019-12-22T05:45:38Z

Favorite Answer

You can look for a cast iron pan and that will work but I think the pan you are looking for is a 
High Carbon Steel pan. 
They do take some seasoning like a cast iron pan does but it also becomes non stick with use. 
This is a pan much like the ones that a Chicago Deep Dish Pizza is made in. 
they are commonly about 3 inches deep 
Detroit Style Pizza is also made in a High Carbon Steel pan but they are rectangular in shape. 


You can bake cornbread in a cast iron skillet. My mom had pans to bake cornbread in the shape of ears of corn.