My aunt doesn't love me. I am very distressed about this. How can I get my dear aunt to love me?


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why would you think your aunt doesn't love you? im sure she does


Find out the reason why it is so .It may be she does not like the way how you are doing things or your behavior. Ascertain the reasons and correct yourself.Her attitude should change then.


you cant make her love you but maybe you can pray god changes her


It’s difficult to respond correctly on such little background information as to why she threatens you period and doesn’t love you? How old are you? Pray for a calm heart and peace of mind and that things get better between you and your aunt be peaceable and patient. 


If your assumption is correct, then you must also know why she feels this way. If you trynto put this matter right, then its possible that she may change her mind.
If you don't, she wont. Its up to you.

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