If you're eating a lot of grains, fruits, fruit juices, sodas and sugars, sure it's a weight gaining diet. And a 2000 calorie diet is probably ok for a guy but a female needs to eat a few hundred less calories a day to maintain weight
It doesn't matter so much WHEN you eat, but WHAT you eat. People who snack late at night are more apt to make poor choices in the foods they choose. If you are eating right (healthy foods and the right # of calories for you) the the time of day/night you consume them, doesn't make a lot of difference.
"To quote renowned nutritionist Alan Aragon, “Your body does not store more fat more readily at night than at other times during the day.”" https://www.bornfitness.com/eating-night-not-make-fat/
Andy C
Gain fat. Maybe lose muscle weight...
What AM I talking about?
Banner#18 Beantown
NO!! Eating OVER your caloric maintenance WILL, capiche?
it might, it depends on your metabolism