Graduating while retaining only about half of what I learned? :(?

Assuming I passed my class, I will be graduating. I am looking back on everything I have been taught and realized I can only remember half of what I learned. I can easily remember most of what I have learned from most of my math classes. Unfortunately, I remember only a small amount from my science classes. I went with Environmental Science major with a minor in Mathematics. Got me thinking I should have just majored in Mathematics since I tend to excel better. 

Does anyone get kind of nervous about forgetting everything after graduation?


Not being able to remember what you learned is a sign that you weren't enthused about what you were studying.  Its something you should have recognized at least 2 years ago, but its too late to change your major now.  


Lmbo. I remember a good half too. What you remember is what you subconsciously wanted to remember... Whether it created an emotional picture in your head or what have you. Most of learning is simply allowing yourself to believe or not believe something. The default it seems is to believe whatever it is that's being learned. This happens usually subconsciously while the conscious acts like it's doing the heavy lifting... Lol