Married women! Do you ask out men you just met out for dinner even if it's okay with your husband?


What about going on a Sunday drive with this guy?


Would you tell this same guy how much you care for him and then chase him if he didn't want anything to do with you?


Nope. I was a good exwife (he had gf) so I really don't like this ?. Why get married if u wanna be with other guys?


I often go out with married women. So many unhappily married women that need attention


If this is a serious question (?), please write again and tell us why you are asking, and give some details, including your role in this scenario. 


No. I would never do that. Maybe for coffee to catch up but only if he is an old friend or someone from high school/College.


For what purpose?

I am in business and it's not uncommon to do business over a meal. 

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