What is a good graduation gift for my nephew?

I can spend $100 to $200 if I want to but I don't know what to get. He was a good student, and missed out on sports his senior year but he doesn't talk, so it's hard to know what to get him. What are some good suggestions?


Get him a high-quality mechanical watch.


maybe you should go to the petstore and get him a nice puppy, he will love that


Everyone loves cash, but for a close family member, sometimes it seems too impersonal.  If that's the case, ask his parents what gift cards he'd enjoy.  This could be Big Store, sporting stores, restaurants or fast food, Amazon...it goes on forever!


Give him cash. Kids like that better than anything. They can get what they want.  Or save it if they want.


In all his 18 or so years, you haven't learned anything about the kid? Talk to his parents maybe? Gift cards? 

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