What is wrong with enjoying anime?

I've had twice recently someone online called me a "weeb" in an insulting manner. It's true that I do like Japanese culture, including anime and manga, but I wasn't being obsessive either time. What reason does it have to be looked down upon?

Mircea The Young2020-06-14T12:22:36Z

The only people who would ever use that term in a deriding manner are those who reject any deviation from what they are familiar with. These are people who take the fear of the unknown to the extreme, ridiculing and just rejecting anything that exists beyond what they were taught. In short, they are simply narrow-minded individuals who take comfort in being the same as their neighbour, and reject anything that is different from that.

There is nothing wrong with liking anime, it's just that some people are so bogged down in their ways that they are just incapable of seeing past it.


Generally people call fans of anime weebs as they believe you are 'too attached' to Eastern culture and and like certain aspects of it especially considering anime. Its a generally VERY overused term. I've been called a weeb loads of times because I like anime. There really isn't a problem it's just that person's standards, believing that because you like Japanese culture and anime that makes you a weeb. It's the same as calling someone mean terms if they like the culture of Italy because they like pasta, hot weather and lemon trees.
Basically what I'm saying is don't worry about what someone says online as it's up to you what you like and there shouldn't be anyone else to tell you what you should and should not like. 
Also in my experience anyone who calls someone a weeb is a weeb themselves, but that's non of my business (sips tea like kermit) ^-^