Is Empathy a Realistic Expectation?

I only know what I've seen and experienced in my life.
My issues may not be your's, vice versa.
How can someone actually say that they feel the same way when they have NOT been through the same as said?


Empathy is a word people like to throw around to accuse others of being wrong.


I don't think it should be expected. People grieve in different ways. And you can tell if someone is faking it just to be kind. Cant expect much from human beings. We have flaws. Lots of them. The only way to deal with what you ask is not to expect   much and try to be a little more understanding. And what if they do feel what you feel? Are you a doctor?


It's normal. 

I would say it's the basic expectation. 

THE BANNIBAL ONE2020-07-17T18:30:24Z

You either have it or you don't.