Andy C
Favorite Answer
NAILS,NSAIDs, stretching and sleeping.
How do you cure Costochondritis?
Reduce the inflammation producing food in your diet, and your habits, reduce stress levels to the extent possible. Be sure to get extra rest.
Be mindful about placing undue stress on the chest and ribs and breathing easily and not dealing with any congestion and coughing: so stay off wheat and dairy! Take some extra food based vitamin C.
Most often, it goes away on its own, but consider that it is another variant of inflammation. Located in the chest region, centered in the rib cage and often people with infections that involved a lot of coughing, or the Mind Body component of sadness and connection coupled with self protection would be an “aspect,” of this condition.
Inflammation can become an issue anywhere in the body and thus this is where Mind Body (powerful thoughts) are as I stated, an aspect of the issue. Ask yourself if, sadness, connection and elements of self protection have anything to do with how this came to be felt by you or for someone you are posting for if that is true and fitting for them please. I would love to hear..
Hope this is helpful
Diane A
NASAIDS like aleve or ibuprofen and heat if that makes you feel bettet