Boyfriend told me he doesn’t understand why at my age I don’t want to have sex? ?

I’m 28 and I’m saving myself for marriage. He knows that since the beginning. He respected that. But yesterday he was like “ come on at your age I don’t know why you don’t want to have sex, I’d understand it if you were 17 but you’re 28 already. What difference is it going to Make? I said “ maybe not to you but for me it makes a huge difference.” I told him i was bummed that he told me that. It made me sad to Think That he was judging me now. He even told me that I looked crossed eyed on my work I’d picture. It hurt me. And told me I was being really sensitive. The ****? Why would he tell me those things? 


Girl dump him. 

Ron Akia2020-12-01T19:40:48Z

If he doesn't respect you, perhaps you need a new boyfriend.


"Cross-eyed", not 'crossed eyed'. This is unfortunate, but I'm not sure what your question is. What are you actually asking us if you're not just trolling?

No real question, huh? Ok then, I guess we just assume you're a troll. Thanks!


let him know it is a lack of respect, then stick to ur guns,if he loves u he will value and respect how u feel.if he walks let him, u would have dodged a bullet. If you are clear about what you want which is not having sex before marriage, then move on and find someone else who wants the same. Forcing each other to do things the other doesn’t want to do is not good. One person will always lose. Find someone who wants the same thing as you. 

Mismatched Tube Socks2020-11-30T22:12:07Z

He sounds like an average guy.
You stick to your guns. If you value your beliefs, he will respect them in the long run.

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