In the case of a "big freeze", would the universe become a single object?


Bose–Einstein condensate, if the entire universe was one.  would it be impractical to consider distance as they all operate on the same frequency?


Jim's a wrench in the idea.


If nothing moves, then time and space becomes irrelevant? right?


No. All molecular and atomic motion would stop. That does NOT mean the expansion of the Universe will stop, so time will continue and not stop. The Big Rip would still be possible. 

Another person who does not understand the concept of objective deductive logical thinking. 

Ronald 72020-12-02T19:18:05Z

I guess so
We would be all huddled around a little Heater


The last people living in that far future will, apart from their sun , see only a black sky -- so they might think so  


Not if the expanding universe concept is true