How do I prevent someone from downloading all my pictures from my facebook page?

How can I prevent people from downloading all of my pictures from my profile to theirs?


Select "Privacy Settings" from the "Settings" drop-down menu after logging in to your Facebook account. ...
Choose the drop-down menu next to "Posts By Me." Select "Friends Only" to prevent nonfriends from viewing -- and therefore downloading -- photos.


Take the photos off facebook!

David K2020-12-21T12:16:24Z

You cannot prevent it. You made them public. If you don't want them public, then remove them.


If you upload, they can download. Whatever you do, if they can see it, they can get it. There is always a way.


The only way is to Set your Pictures to Private there is no other way to Prevent them from Saving it If they can see the Pictures they can Save it if they want to 

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