Family court. Law Court. Family. Lawyer/Solicitor ?

Do family court always side with the mother? What chances do I have of getting unsupervised contact with my son in family court? I've been seeing my son for a year in a contact centre that we self referred ourselves too. My ex girlfriend won't let it progress out of the contact centre, now it has to go to court. I've got two previous convictions against my name. I'm not a murder, pedophile or rapist ect though, nothing like that 


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The court is interested in "the rights of the child" not what the mother 'wants' or what the father 'wants'....... if you have paid child support, attended the supervised visits have a good relationship with your child that is what the court will consider.
So your focus in court is your relationship/support of your child ( do NOT trash your childs mother) Each parent has equal 'rights' to build a relationship with the child and the child has a right to that too, the child also has rights to know and build relationships with your family which is not possible in a contact centre as it no doubt does already see/visit/spend time with her family


1 - No, family court decides which parent is best suited for residential custody AND how much/where visitation should be awarded to the non-custodial parent;
2 - I don't know the circumstances and, if I did, I'm not the Judge;
3 - You would be a fool not to get legal representation.


It does not always side with the mother.  In about 1/3 of cases, in addition to giving the father full or partial custody, it makes the mother pay child support to the father.