When do I tell my brother Im not his mom? ?

Hes 13 years old and I am 18 and ever since he came to this Earth he has called me mom. I am not I am his sister.


Favorite Answer

The sooner the better because you don't want them going their whole life not knowing such an important thing in their life. If you wait until he's 18, he might feel angry or frustrated that you hid it from him the whole time. 


It sounds like you are way overdue in talking to this young man and setting him straight.


maybe you should tell him now


You have mental health issues which Yahoo cannot solve.  Discuss this with your parents and your Psychiatrist at this week's appointment.  Why do I say you have mental health issues?  Here's you - “when should I tell my parents im adopted?;” “How am i sure that i am the real mom of my kid?”; “is baby oil made out of,Babies”