Cat behaviors possible neglect?
I’m temporarily fostering (supposedly a month or two) this cat while a girl tries to find a different roommate ( she says hers is allergic) this cat came to me all banged up with stitches all over his right side of his face , cut whiskers, and a shaved belly, and cone). She says he fell in the basement and hooked himself on something. I don’t know a lot about cats but people are telling me that’s odd because cats aren’t usually clumsy and his whiskers weren’t cut prior to his accident. As soon as I brought this cat into my dorm he was extremely happy and affectionate towards me, which was odd because I thought cats usually take a bit to adjust and this cat was immediately overjoyed and letting me scratch his belly. I mean its only been a day and this cat follows me everywhere I go constantly purring. A couple of my friends have
Suspicions of possible neglect but the girl seems really nice and like she absolutely loves her cat. I think they are reading too much into it but I’m wondering what people with experience with cats feel.