he restrained me when we were.laying down from behind me, holding my arms, but I was on my side and he was behind me, and he pulled back my pants and cummed in them, giving me herpes 2.
I couldn't seem to get out of his grasp, he was holding onto me to tightly.
Favorite Answer
Call your local police station and ask for advice.I am sorry this happened to you.
The last time you posted this, you said this happened over 4 years ago. Again, it is too late to do anything about it now. You should have reported it, when it happened.
Your life would be easier if you post consistent details and ONE question instead of many. WHERE are you? It matters. Having someone "***" in your pants is not rape, by the way. PROOF - as I have told you - after years is VERY difficult. PROOF that this was your only sex partner and, therefore, the only person who COULD have given you herpes is even more difficult. . And then there's your age, his age, how long ago, where.