In King Kong movie, what did the guy mean when he said "It was the beauty who killed the beast"?

Is that suppose to mean compassion killed the beast?

Benny Fitz2021-03-20T19:07:23Z

Favorite Answer

King Kong fancied the heroine which led to his demise.


It's a metaphor for many things. 

Beauty is a subjective term here. 

My interpretation

Beauty is a symbolism of present society, which is so focused on image -- how one looks, behaves, conducts themselves, status, their wealth and possessions, etc. All qualities that render someone 'attractive' in modern society. We are so consumed by materialistic desires and plastic appearances, that in the end, we don't realize, this notion of 'beauty' ends up killing us. 

Thus, it is better to not conform to societal standards and conventions, and embrace yourself as the 'beast', as opposed to being a beautiful mindless sheep.


Kong only left his island to follow the blond woman. he was obsessed with her.