USA gov request small samples of donated blood products?

When developing or testing vaccines for safety--or specialized use?


Actually, no. Blood clotting is different for different people. If they find a reliable way to test, they can eliminate fears of clots.


Hemophilia on one side, what is opposite side of spectrum?


Apherisis, has existing means to identify blood. If gov may develop specialized ID test related to clotting factors, doctors may choose specific immunization for patient. They could be doing this with FDA not even being aware. Should Covid 19 become a standardized immunization, they're going to need to develop various options or ways to adapt it, anyhow.


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Put down the pipe, you're not making much sense here.

The page you chose to link to basically describes a process which is used to routinely treat hemophiliacs, among other things.  Yes, biologists do use blood products for a variety of uses.


So, where is "USA gov" mentioned in your link?

And no, apheresis is not used to "test vaccine safety."

Re: your update - Seriously, you have no clue what you're talking about.
Apheresis is not a test, it's a therapy.

Just stop.


You take moron to a whole new level