Do you realize the Chauvin case is going to come down to whether the jury wants to follow the law or avoid the repercussions?

The prosecution is doing a really bad job and I don't see any way they're going to be able to prove what they need to prove. Several witnesses have backfired on them. I think they realize this which is why they're going so hard on the emotion rather than the facts. 


@οικος- The video doesn't show a murder and that's my entire point. The prosecution is avoiding the facts and showing the video to evoke emotion. 


@Judy- You don't sound like you understand what the word "murder" even means. Even if Chauvin's actions led directly to Floyd'death (which the prosecution can't and won't be able to prove) that's still not murder by itself.  


@Steven- I "left that out" because it isn't true. For one, causing a death isn't the same thing as murder. For another, there were a lot of factors that caused his death so it would be impossible to prove Chauvin was the sole cause. 


Of course I realize it.  

And because of all of the movements that began because of the death of George Floyd, this country may go into lengthy civil war if the Jury comes to a not guilty verdict.  In other words there may be a lot of white and black George Floyd type of deaths in the years to come. 

However, if Chauvin's actions were 

not within the policy and training of his police department, and if his actions were a substantial cause of George Floyd's death

Chauvin is then guilty

We are a long way from proving those two things beyond a reasonable doubt and the Defense has not yet shown their case, 

which commentators on CNN and other places have been trying to guess about for days 

STEVEN F2021-04-03T11:46:46Z

You left out if the jury believes the officer's actions were actually the cause of death. In this case, proving his actions were the cause of death IS sufficient for a murder conviction.

The First Dragon2021-04-01T18:50:20Z

Facts are facts.  Floyd had taken a huge dose of drugs, but he was also mishandled by police, in my opinion at this time.  To find Chauvin guilty, it has to be proven that his actions caused the death.  I could come down to what killed Floyd first, the drugs or Chauvin's behavior.  


ok well thanks for your analysis judge judy


I just don't think the prosecution is going to be able to prove that holding Floyd down is what killed him.

And if they can't do that, the charges against Chauvin are nullified.

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