Is it every appropriate or justified for an officer to kneel on a suspect's neck?

Is there every a reason for a police officer to place his knee on a suspects neck? 


No, they just do it because it gives them a feeling of power and sublimated sexual gratification


Based on the comments about police training made by witnesses at the Chauvin Trial

This would be considered appropriate in the case of a suspect fighting with Police  but should end when the suspect is no longer fighting

which by the way may have been 

Police Chief Ramsey and many others believe the fighting ended!

We will see, when the defense arguments begin


That would depend on the training invested in the officer by the police dept. If that was standard prorocol, then yes. Fact is George should hav gotten into the car when he was lawfully arrested instead of resisting to the point 4 cops had to put him on the ground. His death is at least 50% his own fault. IMHO.
   However, I do think that cop did it far longer than he needed to.


Yes.  It is done to control a suspect.

I have no problem with it.  I've seen no validated study (or any study at all) showing it is a harmful position for the suspect.


Obviously there is or they wouldn't train officers to do this.

The person isn't supposed to die as a result.

Thus the trial where both sides get to present their evidence to the court.

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