Who's George Floyd?


Honestly, if you've been lucky enough to be in a coma since June it's probably best to preserve your innocence by not asking. 


Wrong tense moron. You mean what WAS George Floyd? Watch the news once in a while.


I do not know much about him, except that he was a father and a brother and a boyfriend and he was someone who attempted to pass a counterfeit $20 bill and because of that Police were called, who arrested him, but when they tried to place him into the Police Cruiser, although he was handcuffed behind the back, he began to fight with the Police. and was pulled out of the Cruiser and forced on his chest on the ground, where Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for almost 10 minutes.  After which he went to the Hospital which pronounced him dead.   

In the country that has been tremendously divided by the President at the Time, often along racial lines, the incident is also the cause of tremendous anger riots and demonstrations aimed at the Police for weeks and in some places months.  This also started numerous Social Justice movements.  These include changing/improving law enforcement, defunding the police, and other issues aimed at calling attention to and eliminating institution racism, and what is called white privilege.  .  

At current the Police officer who knelt on his neck is on trial and charged with 2nd degree murder among other charges.   .  

Some people indicate that the United States is on trial with this trial. 


He was a life-long criminal who died of a heart attack fighting with cops. The heart attack was likely the result of a drug overdose since he had lethal levels of drugs in his system.  


a criminal that just got his family a lot of money at the hands of a dumb cop.

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