When you look at a star that’s light years away, are you really looking into the past?

Ogres are like Onions2021-04-05T02:42:50Z

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That’s true.  We’re seeing light that left the object however many years ago it was.
So the aliens can’t really see what you’re doing right now, they’re probably watching what you did a few years back.


Yes. You're looking into the past all the time.  You cannot see the present because the speed of light is finite and it takes time for the brain to register images.


The light from our very own sun takes minutes to reach us, so years is okay too.
The speed of light is actually pretty slow.


Yes, any star at 10 lightyears distance is shown as it was 10 years ago. It's just the limitation of the speed of light.


Yes, in fact everything you look at is in the past, even if its just a Nano second.

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