How can I convince my dad I’m responsible enough to own a gun ?

I just turned 18, I’ve shot plenty of guns before and I come from a big gun family. I really want my own gun, either an ar or a 12gauge. I’ve talked to my dad about it, while he wants me to exercise my Second Amendment rights. Not surprising, my dad loves guns and is extremely pro 2A, then he also said he will not let me bring a weapon into his house until I can prove I can handle it and am responsible enough.  He didn’t give me any description beyond that. Once I do,he’ll gladly let me get a gun. Do you agree with him, what can I do to show him. 


Kudos to your dad for being a responsible gun owner.  Gun ownership is a privilege, not a right.  Take a gun safety course and practice shooting at the nearest gun range.


If you need to ask strangers for help with this, I agree.  You are not mature enough to "own a gun."  Try taking training like the rest of us did to get our concealed weapon permit.


Maybe think about why you actually NEED to have one, and what you'll do to keep it out of the wrong hands, and to take care of it.

Just wanting one because you think it's manly or cool is NOT a demonstration of responsibility - it's a show of childishness.

Pearl L2021-04-06T02:18:09Z

i wouldnt bother getting one


No one cares to be honest with you.

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