q: what caused the big bang?

a: nothing. everything in the universe is based on cause and effect, but cause and effect (and spacetime, math, and physics) have no meaning outside of the universe.


bad quesadillas 


The Big Bang is fact because they know the exact location where it happened and can still detect the cosmic background radiation it caused.  That all dates from May 1964.  What caused the Big Bang and what happened during the first few minutes after is not known and never will be known because all the evidence was destroyed.


If we think of the "Big Bang", as being the start of what we call our universe , then it was simply a transition from that which already existed .

There was "existence" before "our universe" came along.

We may choose to think of existence /time beginning at the Big Bang -- but that is very unlikely.

And in case I don't get another chance --  I guess good bye to everyone . 

Jeffrey K2021-04-06T03:55:12Z

The first event can not have a cause or else it wouldn't be the first. If something caused the Big Bang, we can then ask want caused that. 


God spoke and there was a big bang?  (or maybe just a big flash of light) 

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