Since the yahoo answers site is shutting down, is there anywhere else similar where we can go?


Gibbs, did you give your db answer to the 4,000 other people who asked this question?


Favorite Answer

Were like a group of wild horses and their about to open the gates and we will run freely, all with similar interests and goals, but never really see eachother again, getting lost in the big world


You can do a search on question and answer websites, and some suggestions come up, including links that list the best or most popular ones (there are a number of them). Each user will have to decide for themselves which, if any, to use. Everyone likes a different type of site. Some will be better moderated than others.

18 gibbs 202021-04-06T11:57:30Z

Yes.  Read the answers to the other 4000 times thus has been asked since yesterday


Yes you can use Quora its Similar to YA only no Points and Levels System its Fast and Easy and it has Commenting on Answers