I guess I missed something.  Can anyone tell us what the biden reich's plan is to get any guns away from the criminals who commit 100% of?

the crimes in this country?  They seem to have a plot to violate the Second Amendment in several ways but that would only apply to law abiding taxpayers.  He hasn't even mentioned "enforcing current laws" as a possibility.


?, banning certain types of guns doesn't "prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns"?  I suppose you believe criminals will turn in their "banned" weapons, right?  Please share the drugs you're abusing.


Favorite Answer

That's the major problem with EVERY STINKING "firearm law" they propose!! The ONLY thing the LIEberal left socialist demoCROOK'S proposed laws affect are the LEGAL, RESPONSIBLE and LAW ABIDING firearm owners! IF they were doing ANYTHING that would deter or even slow the CRIMINALS I could kind of understand they're reasoning BUT EVERYTHING they're proposing will ONLY make US criminals!!!

Lone Cat2021-04-06T14:15:51Z

"the criminals who commit 100% of
crimes in this country" -  I guess that's true, but it's not very helpful.


Hey, it’s your fantasy.


When you up the requirements for the ability to purchase, you stop some at point of sale, and then you create a situation where people possess firearms without proper licensing, and you make it easier to get those gins off the street b confiscation if caught.  Literally none of the things proposed prevent la abiding citizens from owning guns.