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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 3 days ago

Can you sue for wrongful termination in this odd situation?

Can you sue your boss if they fire you for falling asleep on the job?

She wasn't qualified to give me work and I had literally nothing to do so I couldn't stay awake at work so she fired me.

Can I sue for wrongful termination?

15 Answers

  • 18 hours ago

    I would have been interested in directly what NY FBI director has to advise but he won't speak to me or friend me on LinkedIn.

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Sue anyone you can. 99% of people suck.

  • 3 days ago

    Silly troll..............................

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    Firefighters are the only ones I know that get paid to sleep. Can you sue? Yes. Will you win? No. 

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  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    You can sue for anything. The question is whether or not you can win. 

    I know of several cases off the top of my head where plaintiffs have won similar suits. It helps if it's a late shift or the plaintiff has a disability (ie narcolepsy) 

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    Yes, you can.  A Court will decide whether or not sleeping on the job and being fired is her fault or yours.

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    You can sue.  You have zero chance of winning, but you can sue.

  • 3 days ago

    No matter the circumstance, no.

  • arther
    Lv 5
    3 days ago

    good luck with that you were sleeping.

  • 3 days ago

    You can sue.  But you won't win.

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