got a ticket for running a red light ?

it was yellow when I sped up. I am 90% sure I made it before it turned red. If I explain his to the judge, do you think he will dismiss it. What would be the benefits of just paying it rather than going to court, either way I lose money and get points on my license but if the cop who gave me the ticket does not show up, I get the whole case dismissed and I lose no money and get no points on my license

T C2021-04-07T14:59:05Z

In the future ...don't speed up when going through a yellow if you have the time to go through safely so.... But when you speed up the po-po can both see and hear that ...and as Bruce stated it  "suggests you had time to stop"

It is always worth a try to go to court. If the cop shows, you may not win....but if he doesn't show it will be dismissed..... with this caveat: In many states the cop has two weeks to contest the case being dismissed ...It has never happened to me and I have had about 8 of them where the cop was a no-show.  I have had many many tickets...

Another thing:  See if your state has an optional driver safety class you can take in lieu of going to court or paying the ticket. This avoids any points.... and insurance rates going up. I have taken the class more times than I can count. 

Some guys are chick magnets ...I am a cop sucks


In my state, yellow is the same as red. You are required to stop unless you are so close you can not stop safely. Speeding up strongly suggests you had time to stop. 
Stories of officers not showing up are highly exaggerated. Expect him to be there.