My brother has been unemployed for six years.  Why can't he find a job?

He got laid off six years ago from a temp job that lasted 18 months.  He doesn't want to apply for a survival job, like Home Depot or Walmart because they pay low and too many people apply, so he applies for these $100K a year jobs, because the competition is less. 

He has been called for interviews, but doesn't get hired.  He stopped looking for work last year saying that nobody is hiring because of COVID, but as soon as Disneyland opens again, he will get a job as a project coordinator expanding their park in Anaheim.

Is he delusional?  What is wring with him?


I'm not happy where I'm working at but it's work. Sometimes you just have to be less picky and take what you can get. Money is money. I'm sure everyone else feels the same about their jobs. Most of us wish we can get better paying jobs but have no luck.


i started to work after graduation in a contract position, but my job ended and since then, i started a business to work for myself because i couldnt find a job in my field of study

i am still actively looking for work in my field of study but the job market isnt that good

many other graduates are in my situation and they are changing their career path

the financial crisis of 2008/9 and the covid pandemic of 2020 destroyed the economy because conservatives didn't care about the public or creating good jobs. instead, conseravtive sent jobs to india, mexico, china, and many people are now unemployed or unederemployed.


He doesn't WANT to work PERIOD.
All my life i NEVER had any problem getting a job under ANY economy.
And i worked as many as 4 jobs at a time.
So spare me the excuses


Certainly is delusional. Being unemployed for 6 years is a red flag to any employer.  He's apparently applying for jobs he isn't qualified for.  Someone is enabling his behavior as he's been able to live for the last 6 years without working.  He needs to get off his high horse and apply for a job he's actually qualified to do instead of sitting around doing nothing.