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    How does one work two jobs?

    My heart says I should work at a coffee-shop,

    but the pay is not enough. I'm willing to work

    two retail jobs, but is that realistic? Do I need a car?

    Isn't exhausting to work 50 hours/week? Advice Please.

    8 Answers2 years ago
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    I shipped a package from the USA to a friend in Canada...?

    there was a box of store bought cereal, a teddy bear, and a note inside. The box was returned with a sticker over the address that says "Uitreiken aan: VERENIGDE STATEN" there was nothing else on the box but the shipping label and the postage sticker. There was minor damage to the box, but nothing that should have made it unfit to be shipped. I payed both postage and taxes ad what have you... Why was my package returned and what does that sticker say?

    4 Answers2 years ago