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What exactly would it take for you to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God?

(Obviously this question is for Non-Christians).

Just curious. Thank you for taking out the time to answer.


Because I believe in Christ, I cannot personally choose a "best answer" as to why someone would not believe, so I will call for a vote. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

15 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    A full frontal lobotomy.

  • 2 decades ago

    Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. yes am a christian, who knows maybe you'll still read. My response is How do u know anything true? How do u know water freezes at 32 degress, woolymammoths walked on earth, cocaine is addictive, Abraham lincoln was born in a lob cabin died in a theater NASA astronauts walked on moon and not in the back of Hollywood, Julius Caesar ruled the Roman Empire. Ok some u can prove by scientific experiment, fossils remains, but historical info all we have is historical records,(Dead Sea Scrolls) Different situation need Different proof. Why do people seek religious answers? Our heart has a void that cries to be filled. One thing we can agree on is Jesus is either Liar Lunatic or Lord. Lots of people called him a good person or legend or prophet. Ask any religous leader or look for your self Prophet have to tell the truth. if not they are false prophet. Jesus said he was God all through out the bible. If he's a goodperson then he is not a liar. Some one claming He's God can not be a good person they would called him crazy person. Ima leave with this, no body was found, if Jesus body was ever found Christianity is out the window it's all a lie. Our whole faith is that he rosed. And for one person, humanity whole timeline is based off of B.C. Before Christ AD After Dension when he came in a body. No Liar prophet lunatic good person would ever reached that status. He is God.

    Source(s): bible life John1:1 in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John1:14 the Word became flesh 2 people wrote about Alexdander the great 500 years after he was dead. people believe that story all day. but 500 people seen Christ after he rosed and people wrote about him while He still was alive, people refused to believe that. Why? because where in a spirtiual war.between good and evil God and Satan, and Jesus name will be on the lips of ever human being on the planet either accepting him or rejecting him but He want just not be talk about like any other great person who name dies out. Think about it email me any time love to talk
  • 2 decades ago

    Short of him popping into my living room, turning my fishtank to wine, and healing a few war vet amputees in my presence, not much will convince me.

    Even if the above happened, I would probably be more inclined to think it was some super alien and not the son of God.

    Humor aside, we have little proof that there was a Jesus Christ. It is not like there is a birth certiificate or yearbook photo. Even in art, he is a white guy, when the peopel of that time and area were all more olive skinned. Go figure.

    No one today feels that Zeus was real and roide thunderbolts. He was an aliteration created by people to relive a fear. The fear of what they do not understand,. In that case, thunder. in some cases, a heroic figure is fabricated as a story. Take Superman. He can do it all. Would someone from another time look back at a Superman comic and think this guy has got it all. He is good, fights evil, helps others, is selfless, and all that, he is the son of God to have all that power. For all we know, the bible is a series of disparate fictional strories meant to entice little kids to behave or the devil will get them. Then they got translated, retranslated, crafted and placed together in a leather bound book and 2000 years later end up in hotel nightstands and collecting millions of dollars each week on Sundays.

    Try to imagine how Superman, Spiderman, Jesus, Zeus, Odin, etc. would all look to someone who knew of none of it. They would think we are a planet of morons or perhaps super freaks.

    Source(s): Proud to be non-Christian.
  • Kristy
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    The interesting thing is that I'm reading a book right now that's attempting to disprove that Jesus ever existed at all. I believe he did exist as a historical figure, but his actions and story were skewed so as to give Christianity, or really Judaism at the time, a personal god, to give them something really tangible to believe in. The virgin birth was a popular myth back in the time, many people rumoring many leaders were born of a virgin to explain their greatness (ex: Alexander the Great). The Jesus story had been around for centuries before, however it wasn't Jesus per se, and he didn't die from crusifixtion, however they were perported to be sons of a god, and ended up being killed by an unforgiving world to prove a point. It's a sensational story! And obviously gave hope to many people for generations to come. I do still believe Jesus was a man (in fact there were many Jesus-s! It was a popular name of the day, and there have been romurs that the one Jesus was made from perhspe one or more other Jesus-s), but it's hard to think that he came from God when we look at the evidence only from the Bible.

    What would make me believe? A more solid account, him finally coming back as the Bible prophesized (as they did think that he would be coming back sooner than hm, now?), as well as the end of days. If his story were more concrete in that you could obviously tell that he could possibly be a son og God without deep faith and incredible discussion of Jesus' teachings/sayings. I think if he and Christianity's 'benevolent/malevolent God' fit more my idea of a God, I would be more apt to believe, however, both God and Jesus seem so skewed from my idea of a God, or even of a god-son relationship, that it's hard to put any faith into it. Thus I am an atheist!

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  • 2 decades ago

    danny the great i read youre full comment before it was erassed and i would like to inform you that hearing things is also the most common sign of schizophrenia and you might want to get that checked out and as for beliving jesus was the product of imaculate conception well think about this women who had sex out of wedlock were stonned to death! id lie in that situation too. was jesus a man sure did he preform mircales? miricales were common belifes among our ansectors they were nieve people who belived just about for dieing for our sins ...well leave it to the christian god to come up with a sadistic means such as that i mean he is all powerfull so why beat and hang his son in order to forgive us? of couse this is the same god who asked a man to kill his only son just to see if he really loved him how PETTY needy and insecure is that? so what would it take the usual answer proof! and if he thinks thats unreasonable then he underestimated the inteligence of his creation!(@ least some of us)

  • kohala
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    As a non-Christian, I can accept that Jesus is the son of God. I also believe that we are all children of God. Thank you.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You can't prove it. It's all speculation from a long long time ago. Obviously there'll never be first person accounts of what happened and if it happened today again, it would be dismissed as crazy person coming from a mother that told a lie about premarital.

    Sounds like a lot of other religions

  • 2 decades ago


    Jesus Christ is one of three things (son of God is not one of them):

    1) A prophet (as the muslims believe)

    2) A myth

    3) Satan

    There was only one son of God as stated in 1 Chronicles 22:6-10 (This was told to David by God)

    Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about: for his name shall be SOLOMON, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days.

    He shall build an house for my name; and he shall be my SON, and I will be his FATHER; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.

    So, the real Prince of Peace is Solomon, not Jesus.

    One last note:

    God said every man is responsible for his own sin:

    The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put death for the father: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

    Deuteronomy 24:16

    So how can one man die for your sins?

    If you kill some tomorrow, will the justice system accept someone else in your place to place the blame? I think not.

  • 2 decades ago

    I was atheist until I started hearing popping noises in my home. I found out what those noises meant.

    foreverprettyhate, I can promise you that I'm not a schizo. Rest assured, as well, that you don't have all the answers that you think you do. Don't confuse your arrogance with actual intelligence. ;^)

    Take care.

  • 2 decades ago

    dannythegr8 what was the popping sound? Anyway I believe whether they chose to or not. Some people have to come near death experience first to believe!

  • 2 decades ago

    If he would appear to me in person, like he allegedly appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus, I would find that pretty convincing.

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