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How do you know God's will?

I thought I knew God's plan for me I was almost certain! But then I felt disquiet about it and didn't feel any peace. What I want to do doesn't seem to be God's plan(alhough I'm not sure) and I don't see any other thing that He would want me to do. When I pray I do listen. But God doesn't seem to be answering right now. So what should I be doing RIGHT NOW?

14 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think there are only two ways. One is prayer and the other is read and search the scriptures. And if you feel that God is delaying the answer then you have to wait. And yes, I know what you said. I have heard that way. You pray to God sincerely about doing something and wanting his way. And if you feel peace about it in your mind that is one way of knowing that God might want it. These are for things which are not explicitly stated in scripture.

    I don't think I need to explain to you that God hears your prayers. You know that very well.

    But by reading God's word and searching the scriptures you might be able to obtain specific promises at times. here I am again quoting from another sermon of Spurgeon..hope that helps this time too!!

    Power resides in “Thus says the Lord!” The man who can grasp by faith, “He has said,” has an all-conquering weapon in his hand. What doubt will not be slain by this two-edged sword? What fear is that which shall not fall smitten with a deadly wound before this arrow from the bow of God’s Covenant? Will not the distresses of life and the pangs of death, will not the corruptions within, and the temptations without, will not the trials from above, and the temptations from beneath all seem but light afflictions when we can hide ourselves behind the bulwark of, “He has said”? Whether for delight in our quietude, or for strength in our conflict, “He has said” must be our daily resort.

    We should be able to quote the promises of God when we would solve a difficulty or overthrow a doubt. “He has said,” is the foundation of all riches, and the fountain of all comfort. Let it dwell in you richly as “a well of water, springing up unto everlasting life.”

    “Wait on the Lord,” said Isaiah, and then he added, “Wait, I say, on the Lord,” as if his own experience led him to echo the voice of God to his hearers. Test the promise, take God’s banknote to the counter and mark if it is cashed. Grasp the lever, which He ordains to lift your trials, and see if it possesses real power.

  • 2 decades ago

    Keep on praying!!! As, yes, He is The Only One who listens to your prayers no matter what you call Him. Every life on earth has a purpose and there are many times that you make a plan of doing something but what happens is totally different than your plan. If God has put discomfort in your heart about some plan of yours then you should leave it and also remove any doubts (whether you did it right or not as long as leaving it does not harm some person physically or mentally).

  • 2 decades ago

    God's will for His people is written in the Bible. A believer's lifestyle should be patterned after the Torah, God's Law. Yeshua the Messiah was sinless because He lived a 100% Torah-observant life - if He had broken any of the Law, He would not have qualified to be the Sacrificial Passover Lamb of God. Believers in Yeshua will follow His Way - the Torah-observant way.

    If He wants you to go to Egypt or to Nineva or do something else, you will hear it w/o a doubt.

    Source(s): "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
  • 2 decades ago

    In your heart of hearts you may not know specifically what God wants you to do.. but you do know what he doesn't want you to do..

    We are all given gifts, and the gifts of God are the result of our willingness to act, to risk failure and to perservere in the face of failure.

    I sense by your very question that you are a good person, a person who will not harm others, and most of all a person that God already loves very much.

    So don't make any huge decisions just now, but rather take baby steps towards what it is that you want to do... God wants you to use your gifts, not to dwell on fear of displeasing Him.

    So long as you don't harm others, and you use the gifts He's given you, with joy and enthusiasm, you'll be fine. Don't assume you know His plan for you.. Try whatever it is you are considering and His "mysterious ways," may give you a thousand times more than you ever hoped, in love, joy and satisfaction..


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  • 2 decades ago

    Living a good Life is the most difficult thing on earth and that is true for all religions. You have your Intelligence, your feelings and you know what you can do, or not.

    It is always diffcult to find the right way. sometimes you need more patience, sometimes more courage...but when you listen to your heart, you are living a good Life.

  • 2 decades ago

    Very good question!

    The priests,gurus,imams and all religious people are supposed to know the answer,but ,unfortunately,right now ,some are busy defending themselves in court rooms,having got themselves in trouble...

    In the islamic world,some are tying youths with explosives,and using them as weapons of war.

    500 yrs ago,god came to Earth,in India,and gave back the way how to know Him best:by chanting His Holy Names-Krishna or any Name of your choice,but following His laws of non-violence to all living entities:be vegetarian,and do not take intoxicants that blur the mind.Also live a simple life ,devoid of greed.If you follow such directives,u are following God's words,and you'll go back to Him.

  • 2 decades ago

    You don't ... because there is no god.

    Do you really believe that deciding to get out of bed or brush your teeth or take a poop is "god's will" ?

    Take responsibility for your own life and map out your own plans and take positive steps to achieve those plans and goals. If you really believe in a god, then the saying goes "god helps those who help themselves."

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It may be no more than what you've been doing here. Giving advice based on God's word. Keep listening. It took me years to finally realise He gave me my music before I knew for sure. Maybe He's getting you prepared. Who knows?

  • 2 decades ago

    You must keep your faith, maybe your pray doesn't seem to be answering right now because He will prepare the best for you, He want you to be patient when you face your live. Please read Isaiah... also Matthew (bout worried) and prepare yourself to do as your read on Bible, keep your faith and make a realtion with God in your prayer, give all of yours to Him and let Him lead you.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    God works in mysterious ways. most of the time he speaks to you but you dont hear him. ex. your walking down the street and you see a homeless person who is in dire need of care and help. that feeling within you that says maybe i could buy him or her some food or a piece of clothing is what god wants you to do. but some people maybe not you dont hear that message. they say to them selves. I realy need that money to pay my bills and get to where i am going. God does not place large tasks or plans on our lives because he wants us to live the way we want to. He has givin us a choice to live our lives in peace with others or to be selfish and for our selves only. If he has a plan for you it would be to follow your heart not your head. It is extreemely easy to say no to a homeless person but it takes a greater amount of strength and willpower to help them. I use homeless people as an example only. Like you I am trubled by what i am supposed to do in my life. I am an illustration animation major at the Art institute of boston. I dont know what god has in plan for me but if i continue to pursue the skills i am best at, i am sure that some day i will find out what he wants me to do. I come from a family of a very religious background. many things have happened in my life and my familys life that were saved by god. I dont look for him because he already knows where i am and you are. he is watching over you always. Dont wait for god to come and speak to you or tell you what to do. Examine your life, what are you best at?, what do you like doing? Do you like helping people?, do you like changing peoples moods through music, telling stories of guidence through art, creating vacines and using scientific knowledge in a hospital to heal those who are sick. Tell yourself everday that you are not limited by who you are in todays society. That you can become what ever you want to be and the choices you make in your life are the ones that matter the most. God will always be there for you to help you when you are struggleing. But dont forget that he is there, because if you do he might just forget you too. But always remember that he is always willing to take you back in open arms if you fall away from your religion. whether you have done something of great sin or no sin at all it doesn not matter as long as you repent and love him. I dont know who you are but I am very proud of you. that you are asking these questions. because I have also asked these questions.

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