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I'm having a hard time...?

Someone I know has recently saved and I've been trying to help them, but it doesn't seem like there listening, it seems like they don't even care. They still want to be in this world but in some ways want to be God's child. What should I say?

Please, This is mainly for Christians, if you have good advice tell me, if not, don't. Thanks all


Thank you so much all. And to Paul, yes I will pray. I wonder if we are praying over the same person...

Update 2:

Hmm. Patience! And Trust! I too was struggling with something personal for over a yr, you know how God answered my prayer? By Y! Answers, honestly! God works in mysterious ways

Update 3:

By the way, I know you said personal but if you or anyone ever need to talk my e-mail is threefurries@yahoo. Do to problems with my mail though I can't write back right now.

Update 4:

I read you e-mail, and I want to reply, BUT my e-mail will not let me. For the past week there has been an ERROR and I can't send anybody anything. Just a couple of things. I can see this means alot to you and I will pray ALOT! You have done all you can do now, now it's * time. * has a responsibility and * has to make a choice. Right now more than anything pray, and trust in God. You're young still, God may have bigger plans for you. You have done your part so it's kinda out of your hands now, so be patient brother! Lean on God with all your heart! He knows what's best for you! God Bless~ P.S. Try to let * have some breathing room right now, let * figure out if this is what * wants

Update 5:

I'm thinking of gmail but I don't have a mobile phone so the only way I can get an account is if you send me an invitation. If you know how will you please? Thanks! God Bless and Stay Strong!

12 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. be patient 2. pray for them 3. live a life that they can emulate. 4. encourage them, dont expect them to live up to your time frame

  • 2 decades ago

    Matthew 13 describes this type of person. They are among thorns. The cares and affairs of this world choke the Word and consume them.

    If someone doesn't receive instruction, they will never make it in Christ.

    Proverbs is full of scriptures about receiving instruction to live, wisdom, knowledge, fear of God, etc.

    If they won't even receive the Word, I find it hard to believe they were really saved in the first place.

    The best you can do is bring your friend to the Word, discuss this with his/her pastor and let their overseer handle this.

    Remember, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!

    If the Word of God doesn't speak to this person, your words surely won't. Don't take this burden on your shoulders. You do and say what you can, but wipe the dust off your feet if you are not received. For it will be more tolerable for Soddom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than those who have heard Christ and received Him not.

  • 2 decades ago

    Not to label myself anything but...maybe there is something here that conflicts with his religion that is holding him back. An addiction maybe or a love interest thats not supportive. Not trying to be inflamatory but some sexual fetish maybe. I guess what I'm saying is maybe something that this person would feel bad owning up to is holding this back. Or maybe it's nothing and they are just trying to reason there own spirtuality out for themselves. If you think this person may have something more to tell you before they can move forward then maybe just try to be as nonjudgemental as you can be with them.

  • 2 decades ago

    As children of God we can only be a tesimony for the lord and enlighten others that there is hope but you and I nor anyone else can not change a person but we can only hope that the lord would help others like your friend to change in the lord's own way.

    Continue to be a testimony for the lord to others and allow God to take it from there

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  • 2 decades ago

    i also wanted to email you if thats ok. i kind of wrote a blurb to you in a question i answered today.;_ylt=AitCM...

    to answer re: your friend, be the example. Continue to shine the light, so she sees how blessed she too will be.

    Shes accepted Christ, so now shes open to the Holy Spirit, it just might be too much at once. keep praying for her, and KNOW the Lord is working in her.

    BtW, have you tried just opening a different yahoo email accnt?

  • 2 decades ago

    As we all know God is the only one who can change hearts! The best we can always do is to pray for them, that always helps, I will pray for her! Besides you are having that problems, I am having other problems in my life too, I too need prayers so could you pray for me as well, Emily?


    yeah, I know who you mean, I will pray for her as well. but my problems are something else, I mean personal, hmmm.. Its making me worried and impatient! and that is not good.


    thanks for your id, I will mail you, and thanks for your offer of help as well!! You can reply when you have time.


    thanks for the reply and well, no replies yet from there, I hope that everything is alright over there, normally its not happened like this yet, and well, I was actually pretty sure that time it was right, I mean I had peace of mind over this decision, but anyways thank you for your prayers that does mean a lot!!

  • 2 decades ago

    If you try to force your views down their throat, you run the risk of turning them away from God altogether. Just let them find their own path to God in their own way.

  • 2 decades ago

    More important than what you say is what you do.

    Just be there, confidant in Gods promise.

    Joh 10:28

    And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

  • 2 decades ago

    You have to be an example for your friend ..... We cannot be luke warm for GOD we have to be on fire for GOD ....... we can not live for GOD and the world it does not work like that .... pray for your friend ..... be an example and let CHRIST do the rest .......GOD BLESS

  • 2 decades ago

    Love them unconditionaly and let them follow their own inner leading. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

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