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What kind of proof are you looking for?

Many questions here ask for proof of what people believe. Even numbers are a theory; 1+1=2 but one real apple is not exactly equal to another real apple. If you use dictionary definitions of words, they only give you common usage of that word and that changes over time and place.

If you set conditions for an argument then you can resolve it but the conditions remain questionable. So I think when people ask for proof they should explain what criteria they happen to find acceptable. This could lead to better questions and more solutions.


Physical, substantive evidence are not the conditions of faith. I think reason is the meeting place and being reasonable is the path of greatest reward.

A table cannot prove a carpenter but is it not reasonable to assume somebody made it.

8 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Real, tangable, physical scientific evidence that has facts supporting it. Science is mostly a theory but for all those theories there is a mountain of scientific evidence to back it up. That is what we want with religion, something that a book and faith can't provide. For some that book and faith are enough but for some of the rest of us it isn't. As we grew and learned our minds changed when we realized alot of other things and found explinations that can do away with religious dogma. Give us true physical scientific evidence that can back up that book, that can't be explained away with common sense or something scientific and maybe we will believe.

  • 2 decades ago

    Okay, Bliss. You want proof. You an everyone else on the face of the earth. Well...I think that you will be a bit dissappointed. Here is why..

    Many people want some kind of proof that Jesus is in fact the true Son of God. They want proof that He was here, died for our sins and rose again on the third day.

    Now, the federal judicial system is based on evidence. In order for someone to be judged, either guilty or innocent, there has to be a reasonable amount of proof, including eyewitness accounts. In fact, these have heavy weight in a court of law.

    Now let me ask you this, bliss. Do you really think that people would live in fear knowing that they could be killed because of their belief in Christ and all of His story.

    The New Testament is full of eyewitness accounts of Christ and the entity in which He has portrayed since the beginning of time.

    There is an author named Lee Stroble who wrote a book called "The Case for Christ". When he began his journey of writing his book, he was an athiest. He did not believe in God. Lee is a very educated man. He sought out the answers to everyone's questions about the bible being false or mis-quoted or whatever you or I have ever asked; he asks it. Get this book and you will start to understand.

    Hope you fine your proof. Why don't you try praying that God will show you some proof of Him. Or better yet, why don't you give Him a try and let Him show you himslef. The worst thing that could happen is nothing and you are out nothing.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I don't think people looking for an enlightening dialogue ask for "proof", especially on questions involving religion or opinions. Many simply use Yahoo Answers as a soapbox, a venue to vent and attack. These people aren't interested in the opinions of others.

    I am also frustrated by some of the questions and replies on this forum. We're seeing a cross section of American society in its rawest form, and its frightening.

  • 2 decades ago

    When it comes to religion, one can't expect someone to be satisfied with proof provided from a different religion's sources since they never believed in that religion in the first place.

    People are more likely to believe proof that answers their question if it's found within their own religion; it's more effective and convincing.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Father Martin, logic? I thought they stopped teaching that in schools. It seems to me we could have some fun exploring some concepts. I have personal proof of god, but am seeking logical and scientific proof to help others to undurstandwhat I experinced and to experience god themselves.

  • 2 decades ago

    A theory is supported by, when you ask for proof,you want substancial evidence.I want proof that Jesus is the son of God.I want substancial evidence.

  • 2 decades ago

    It is our mortality who is defining our existence as human Beeings. That is the reason we need to proof everything, before we die.

  • 2 decades ago

    Just maybe, it's that gut feeling that tell's you whether it's right or wrong... Dr Checko... (Nickname)

    Source(s): From the desk of Dr Checko's Yahoo 360 Baord
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