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Lv 615,777 points


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I was a Priest until May 05. I have had a few casual jobs now I am studying business admin and looking for work. Its all life.

  • Conditional formatting date?

    I would like to highlight the 4th day of the month in my budget records. I am using Excel 2007. I highlighted my date column A, made a rule ="day(a1)=4" but nothing shows. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • What do you guys do with your programing skills?

    Is it just for work or is it also a hobby? I know Excel well and know most of the functions, the useful ones; I have also done some basic HTML. I am wondering what is the most useful bits of programing you have written, or solutions you have found. To me it seems so complicated, for a start there are so many program languages and then the actual script is so pedantic - one comma in the wrong place can ruin it. Why do you do it?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • I will love who?

    This is a dream image: a 'Cecil B de Mill God' in top left corner with these words carved out of a huge block of sandstone, below and centre. The words are arranged with a new line after "I" and "love". I will call it the God Question.

    The thought I had with the image is that it is opened to be be translated in different ways:

    I will love those who love.

    Will I love those who follow their own will?

    The perternal angst tension of: To let them follow their own will, must I abandon them; if I do not give them freedom of will, am I simple controlling them?

    My own reflection on the image is that its not limited to God. In every relationship we have a desire to love others for who they are and yet there arises in every relationship, conditions on this love. Will you love me in return, will you do good to me and others? Sadly the alternative seems to be disconnection: You are a free agent, do as you will, I will watch you but what you do will have no effect on me.

    Comments pls

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In Access, should I add an item to a combo box.?

    A friend of mine works on an access database at work. She would like to add a value to one of her drop down combo boxs - she can connect from home. I have looked up Help and it sounds really complicated. I am afraid I will muck up her company database. Is it really as dangerous as I fear?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What the effect of Church attendence on your health?

    You might also care to comment on the effect of have strong religious bliefs, on you health.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Sovereign rites of the body?

    This was part of a good response to an earlier question of mine on abortion.

    To paraphrase:

    The higher purpose of allowing abortion is that society does not forcefully interfere with a woman's sovereign rites over her body.

    The counter argument (expressed in a later answer)is that there is another body/life who should be afforded rights by society.

    My new question is; are those soverign rights lessened by the choice to engage in sex, knowing that a child may be conceived?

    Don't we become responsible for the result of our free actions and accept the right of society to say you must bear some burden for your choices?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Child sacrifice as religious practice?

    Today's OT Scripture reading included Abraham's readiness to sacrifice Isaac. Apparently this was practised by some of the tribes in Abraham's day as a religious offering. It made me think about abortion today.

    Most people would be up in arms with a religion that asked for child sacrifice. Most people in the western world would claim to think for themselves rather than blindly follow the dictates of any authority.

    I think women who have an abortion do so with regret. My question is; what higher purpose is being served by having an abortion? And would the women (and the father if consulted) who have taken this course of action, still hold that for them, that higher purpose, is still more important.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • What are the spiritual challenges of getting materially rich?

    In my cleaning job, I can see people of varying wealth. Kids are still messy, marriages still break up. Being rich normally means a lot of attention is taken away from home and family. The more stuff you have, the more space you need and the harder it is to keep tidy.

    Winning the lottery is seen as a dream come true, like it will end all your problems. I am not thinking poverty is good, but what happens when you get the material dream and still have real problems.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Bible Christians 2Cor3:1-6?

    This was the second reading at Church today. The last sentence in part; "the written letters bring death, but the Spirit brings life."

    I am surprised that I am even asking about chapter and verse but the dialogue in YA, with Bible Christian's emphasis on the Word alone, troubles me. So I thought this is your chosen field of debate, I'll ask.

    This passage to me is saying that the Spirit is more important than the written Word. The Spirit to me shows itself as the fruit of reflection on the Word, the kindness and wisdom shown by the Christian in their daily life. Yet in so many answers I read anger, lack of freedom and commands being communicated based on the words of scripture.

    Do you see it differently? What is St Paul saying to you in this passage?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • What kind of proof are you looking for?

    Many questions here ask for proof of what people believe. Even numbers are a theory; 1+1=2 but one real apple is not exactly equal to another real apple. If you use dictionary definitions of words, they only give you common usage of that word and that changes over time and place.

    If you set conditions for an argument then you can resolve it but the conditions remain questionable. So I think when people ask for proof they should explain what criteria they happen to find acceptable. This could lead to better questions and more solutions.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Should YA just be about interaction or should it also be striving for quality.?

    We have no way to award negitive points. You can answer with one word or just a single character and still get 2 points. You could answer all the old questions with no answers and get 10 points. We have the stars but they do not effect your points. We could argue like thugs on the street or we could really think about helping each other.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Why are we here in YA Religion and Spirituality?

    If we were content with our faith/science and happy to have others be content with their model, why would we be arguing on the internet? Are we trying to convert the unconvertable or be conviced of the unexplainable?

    We all have to eat, clean and work away from our screens; what keeps you coming back?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Does lending a published book infringe copyright laws?

    I assumed libraries had proper permission and friends shareing books was too hard to police, but if a financal advisor set up a a book sharing arrangment over the internet, whouldn't that harm the earning potential of publisher and author?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance2 decades ago
  • Should daughters be kept(protected) at home?

    Many cultures don't allow their daughters to go out unless escorted. The sons, who are free to roam the streets, are only going to meet girls from other traditions and might think of them as loose.

    Meanwhile the local boys will build resentment to these cultures because they see the sons behaviour as predatory and their attitude as insulting? Isn't practice of just keeping the girls at home bound to be socially divisive?

    4 AnswersCultures & Groups2 decades ago
  • A father and his son are both injured in an accident;?

    but when the boy is brought into surgery, the doctor says;

    I can't opperate on this boy, he's my son.

    Who is the doctor?

    18 AnswersJokes & Riddles2 decades ago
  • What do you think the poor quality of written questions on YA says about American Culture?

    I am assuming most questions come from the US. Tell me if you think I wrong. I'm also assuming people have computers with spell-checkers so it would not be difficult to get a question right. Could it be a cultural trait, that "I'm going to say it my way and you just better work it out".

    Its not just a development of cyber-language, though that is bad enough '4 me', because people giving answers don't understand it. Okay its not only Americians doing this but the US culture is a major driving force in it.

    5 AnswersCultures & Groups2 decades ago
  • Whats more important, accumulating wealth or accumulating understanding?

    I was just reading a pschotherapy magazine, which made this point. And I thought, yea wealth can be stolen or lost and offen causes fights but understanding brings security, peace and can not be taken from you.

    I think Yahoo Answers could be a great driver towards an increase of social undersanting

    9 AnswersCultures & Groups2 decades ago
  • Do you think using Yahoo Answers will make the world a better place?

    Is it a fantastic communication device where ordinary people from all over the english speaking world can gain clearer understanding of each other or is just something to do with spare time?

    9 AnswersCultures & Groups2 decades ago
  • Are Psychological theories examples of "Intellectualization" - defence mechanism?

    I am reading about psychological defences, denial, sublimation and so on. It occured to me that the whole psycological endeavour is itself a defence against the fear of not being able to cope with life. What do you think?

    3 AnswersPsychology2 decades ago