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In Rev 20:4 it speaks of "Those who were BEHEADED for their witness for Christ" Does anyone see a pattern here

I have seen & heard what the muslims are doing to captives, and I see a corelation between that & the future Tribulation Period. In the 70's I saw the muslim world rejoice & give each other gifts when the Shaw of Iran died. Do any of the Christians see the resemblence to Rev 11:3-12? In the 60's it was commonly believed the catholic church would give rise to the anti-christ, or at least to the false prophet. I changed my thinking then, and believe we are now seeing the muslim world preparing to usher in a world mind-set in favor of beheadings for the sake of their faith. After the church is taken from the earth, there will be no restraining force here to hold back evil incarnate(anti-christ). It is not beyond our imagination that this evil entity would resort to mass beheadings, thus fulfilling the image conveyed in Rev 20:4. Wake up Christians, our Redemption Draws Close, we may here the Voice of OUR Lord say, "Come up here." This world is bad now, imagine it with no moral restraints.

8 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    i fully agree with you. i am continually anticiapting the rapture. i strongly believe it will happen any day now! just imagine what it's going to be like...meeting Jeuss in the air! about a glorious appearing!

    a really good website that i reccomend is:

    please look into it! will open your eyes!


    in a rebutle to the above commented answer:

    the rapture WILL take place when there is the most skepticism about it. it will happen when people are saying, exactly what you said.

    just'll see!

    all i can say is:

    i hope that you come to accept Jeusus Christ as you persoanl Lor and Savior before the world enters into the tribualtion!

    may God be with you all!

    Source(s): faith! ^_^
  • 2 decades ago

    First, I have to agree with the statement that "No man knows the time" of Christ's return. The SDA Church actually got started due to incorrect predictions of this event. Many have made numerous predictions of the end times and been wrong. I remember hearing people claim that Ronald Wilson Reagan was the beast of Revelations since his full name was 6 letters, 6 letters & 6 letters. They added to this notion by claiming that the shooting by Hinkley was further evidence. Well if he was the beast shouldn't things have gone to hades in a handbasket @17 years ago.

    Christ says He will return when we wouldn't expect it.

    Now, on the events that have taken place--don't just look at the terrorist activities. Look at natural disasters, man-made disasters, and society in general. Homosexual activity hasn't been so flagrant and militant since Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed. People are killing their little children on what sometimes seems like a daily basis. Baby girls are aborted or drowned in China. While here in the US thousands of abortions take place simply because the woman (&/or man) refuses to take responsibility. Some women want to kill their unborn children because it might mess up their figure. Why did they not think about this before they engaged in the activity that produced that child. So-called Christians are turning their backs on other Christians as well as on those they deem to be non-believers. Although, we are told to "Judge not, lest ye be judged." And, we are also warned that we may be turning our backs upon the LORD without knowing it. He may be that stranger broken down on the side of the road--hoping that you will stop and help. Or, the hitchhiker that's asking for a lift.

    While we should not fall into the trap of saying that the LORD is returning on February 22, 2006 at 2:33 am ET. We should pay attention to the signs and be ready for when He does come for His own.

  • 2 decades ago

    Oh boy-- watch out-- you're heading down a dangerous road preacher, you don't know the mind of God Almighty and if you use his word to further hatred and fear of muslims you're gonna be in hot water when the lord calls your name on judgement day... don't focus on the apocalypse (revalation is open to interpertation) but save souls around you now so there safe when the lord requires an account from them and feed the poor and love your family that's what the lord's gonna ask you about

  • a
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    People have been seeing signs of the biblical apocalypse for centuries...millenia. And remember these people had religious wars, plagues, multi year famines, the millions killed in WWI, WWII.

    So, as bad as the problems are today with terrorists - and they are bad, they pale compared with the problems of past generations.

    Source(s): history of plagues (scroll down a bit for the actual history): Past predictions of doom, of which there are many, many, many:
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  • 2 decades ago

    It's easy to find something like that and point to it and say it fits but that doesn't mean it does. Tons of people were beheaded in the last couple centuries by religious groups and nothings happened yet.

  • 2 decades ago

    all i can say is bring it on. I would rather be be-headed and leave this temporary place and be with god then to turn away from god and spend what will seem a eternity in hell.

  • 2 decades ago

    u got me thinking honestly. and i'm not so focused normally n this sort of stuff

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    we dont know the time when he comes....just be ready and help others to know Him.

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