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After reviewing questions here does anyone else notice how much muslims and liberals sound alike?

They all hate bush and say he is a torturer. What of the Noble Muslims that are kidnapping reporters and aid workers off of the streets and beheading them for the glory of allah?? what about the suicide bombers that target markets and schools?? planksheer you got any more of your anti American comments???

I need a laugh.


James D, I file you neatly into the pile that forgot that Saddam and Iraq supported and applauded the efforts of alqaida and the taliban on 9/11. Also we are still in Afghanistan, did bush lie to you about osama too?

Update 2:

lordzander and v aaragorn, I guess I have a different perspective than you, namely because I was in Iraq and was hated and called an infidel. then I returned home and was hated and called all kinds of crap for serving my country.

Update 3:

my point is, that if we went to iraq for oil wouldn't the price of gas have gone down by now? it's been almost 3 years. We have been enjoying almost 5 years without any attack on U.S. soil. this is a direct result of going to Afghanistan and Iraq. whatever religion or political party you fall under - you have to admit that wether we found WMD in Iraq or not, there is undeniable proof that Saddam not only had them but he used them.

after seeing these you cannot convince me that we should not be in Iraq.

Update 4:

robertonduty, Thanks for your service!. but I was not referring to spending ramadan in camp. Yes in camp you could do what you wanted, I was referring to our patrols and convoy escort missions that had us out in the streets.

18 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    good observation!

  • 2 decades ago

    Jesus, man, think for yourself for once. have you ever listened to how much religious conservatives, whether they are christian or muslim, sound alike? there are far more similarities between the religious right in this country and conservative muslims in the middle east than there are between liberals and these muslims. of these three groups (liberals, conservatives, and conservative muslims) which are the two which are against homosexuality, against a woman's right to abortion, against personal freedoms, against freedom of speech, against a division between religion and state? which are the two groups which preach absolute confrontation? which are the two groups which are intolerant of opposing beliefs and lifestyles? i could go on, but it should be clear where this is going. the only similarity between liberals and these muslims is that they both think the war in iraq was illegal (which it was) and both dislike bush.

    You ask "What of the Noble Muslims that are kidnapping reporters and aid workers off of the streets and beheading them for the glory of allah?? what about the suicide bombers that target markets and schools??"

    yes, exactly. what of the abortion clinic bombers, what of the fanatic right-wing militias in this country? do you see the similarity?

    You seem to be one who has forgotten about the facts of this war: "James D, I file you neatly into the pile that forgot that Saddam and Iraq supported and applauded the efforts of alqaida and the taliban on 9/11." Really? saddam supported bin laden? that's funny, everybody else has come to admit that this is not true, even those who originally claimed it. why don't you go and look this up before making false claims? if you do find the source, let us know. cite some sources, and don't just go making wildly inaccurate claims.

    You say "I was in Iraq and was hated and called an infidel. then I returned home and was hated and called all kinds of crap for serving my country." ever heard of fred phelps? the conservative preacher going around protesting at the funerals of soldiers? he is the only one openly attacking soldiers for their role in iraq, and guess what? he's as conservative as they come.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    For the most part I look at all these crack heads saying how Bush is a war criminal and I just wonder, where did education go wrong in America. And where are the parents.

    From what I've read most "protestors" don't understand the sophisticated arguements behind going to war or being against war.

    I feel that here too, that so many people are just "bring the troops home" and I wonder, do you understand what would happen if we left and there was a religious civil war going on in Iraq, and what would happen if that pulled in Iran and Saudia Arabia and Syria and . . . .

    I don't think I'm smart enough to understand it all, but I certainly don't say stupid little slogans either, I'll attack Bush when I think he's wrong.

    Clearly Rumsfeld should be fired, but that doesn't make our presence wrong.

  • 2 decades ago

    All of your arguments about torture are just as misguided as the administrations.

    This is not about how terrible the terrorists are. Yes, they are terrible. They torture and main, and kill indiscriminately. I don't really care about what they do, because they are the people we're fighting, not the people we should be taking an example from. If we are willing to do anything it takes to destroy them, then we may be very successful, but we will also destroy ourselves and our way of life in the process.

    America is about freedom and civil liberty. It's about being able to say what you want, do what you want, and act the way you want, as long as you're not hurting anyone in the process. It's about being able to worship, or not to worship, in the way that you choose. It's about justice being good, punishing the evil, and letting the innocent go free. It's not about invading other nations, torturing, backing out of international treaties that we've signed, or warrant-less wiretaps. These are the very things that our enemy would do if given the chance.

    Bush has said we will do anything it takes to defeat the terrorists. He, and you, misunderstand the war we fight. What we should be doing is anything that is true to the Constitution, and our values, that needs to be done. If we sink to the level of our enemy, we may win a battle or two, but we will lose the war. We will lose because we will cease to be the good and just America that we are fighting for, and will become just like the enemy we fight. We cannot allow that to happen.

    We need to start acting like the America that liberated our ally France in 1944, founded the UN, worked with other countries to fight the Soviet Union, and work for nuclear non-proliferation. This is not a machismo contest to see who has the largest c*&^, this is a war that will require America to lead the world and live up to her highest ideals. Because if we keep acting like we're in 8th grade and are trying to be the meanest kid on the block, no one else will want to be friends anymore. And just like the cold war, this one will require all the fiends we can find, and will go on for a matter of decades. We will win by living up to our highest ideals, or lose as a police state.

    Which option do you think is better?

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  • 2 decades ago

    Now, since you specifically asked about Muslims (i.e. followers of the Islamic faith), I would like to ask you: what exactly is so horrible about being Muslim?

    In case you haven't noticed, not all Muslims are terrorists, and not all terrorists are Muslim (remember Timothy McVeigh? The IRA?). Granted, news covereage these days focuses on the supposed "Islamic-terrorism connection". Remember the (largely unfounded) anti-Japanese sentiment to American citizens of Japanese origin during WWII? If we aren't more careful in how we dismiss certain races/ethnicities/religions, there could very well be a repeat of the Japanese internment situation (actually, since the current bias seems to be religious, it would be more akin to the Holocaust).

    Or even, what exactly is so horrible about being a liberal (one who believes the role of government is to provide for the common good what people cannot achieve themselves)?

    Just do some research before you believe the spin...

    "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." ~Howard Zinn

  • 2 decades ago

    I CANT STAND politics.

    No, I don't agree with you that they sound alike.

    Noble Muslims don't do the things that the the radical Muslims do, such as kidnapping, killing, beheading, etc. Look up the word noble and perhaps you will figure this out.

    Liberals (at least according to the current definition of liberals) are too liberal to sound like Muslims. They are too acceptive and allowing of things that represent too much sinfulness, *from ANYBODY'S religious viewpoint*, and I mean it really doesn't matter what religion you look at as far as that is concerned.

    There is good and bad everywhere.

  • 2 decades ago

    Yes, muslims and Amer. Libs seem to enjoy many of the same ideas as long as the ideas are focused at badmouthing America. I did want to take issue with you over an answer you gave about military personell drinking... you said you were "forced" to observe ramadan? We both know that the DFAC was open for at least 3 meals/day, that water is staged all over the camp and that we were told to "refrain" from eating, drinking or smoking IN FRONT OF OUR HCN WORKERS... not that we COULDN'T eat drink or smoke during daylight hours. Lets be honest about things over here.

    Source(s): Camp Lima Karbala, Camp Echo Diwaniyah and Camp Delta Al Kut, Iraq
  • 2 decades ago

    Don't be a minon of the mass media. Anyone who uses the word liberal or conservative is an idiot! Both of these labels make you a lapdog to the mass media machine.

    Do yourself a favor and read Karen Armstrong's book, " A Short History of Islam" Be closing your mind to what other people who don't share your view points makes you a closed-minded idiot.

    Muslims and Christians are not the causes of problems around the world it's people like you who become a blind followers of your perceived social-ethinic group. The ideas of the so called "liberals" and "conservatives" is that they are both closed minded blind followers of the leaders of these two groups.

    Free your mind and take some diveristy classes. Don't be an ethno-centric asshole.

  • 2 decades ago

    Sorry dude but Saddam hasn't any relation to Bin Laden or Al Qauida and obviously with 9/11, the reason for attack Iraq was WMD before and liberating Iraqis now.

    Common interest between liberals and Muslims is anti Bushism I think.

    Of course no one approve suiside attacks against schools or hospitals but you can't judge about middle east by sitting in your warm home and watching TV, it's more complicated.

    I'm not from US but I don't think liberals are in favor of suiside bombing anyways.

    Sorry about your situation dude, I think its people duty to support their troops, those who don't like Iraq war should blame politicians not those who stand in front of bullet for their country and people.

    Anyways I apologize for that TV thing, you have been in Iraq so you must know that Iraq doesn't have anything with Al Quaida and although US troops are in Afghanestan and Iraq Bin Laden is free.

    Take a look at this link:,2763,20926...

    Edit2: Of course Saddam had WMD and used it even on his own people but about oil, you can't export maximum amount of oil from an unstable country, I don't know how much oil is exporting from Iraq now but it must not be near its maximum rate and who knows where the oil of Iraq goes? high prices of oil is very good for oil tycoons if they sell oil of Iraq.

    Price of oil is dependent to many factors, middle east is in one of most unstable points of its history, thats raise oil price more than Iraq oil.

  • 2 decades ago

    All this Bush bashing is a reason for mindless Americans who have been fead all sort of information,so that they wont use their own heads.Use your own heads for God sake,think for once,without taking off from someone else's ideology.

    Muslims have their own thing,and that is in a society they are all riteous and if their in some far off dessert land,they profess the death of millions because their quoran says its a good thing for people to die for allah

    Bush is'nt the bad guy here,just cause he sent soldiers(mind you soldiers who have given up their freedom to fight!,something i respect) to fight,wereas we have Osama ans his crazy suicide bombers in cities ready to strike when that dick has a bad day and wants to kill some folks for fun,why not hate them and help your government to fight that!! Why do you blame Bush for everthing? i bet you blame him for bad pizza too,right?

    Use your own brains,be more open,liberals and muslims sounds alike because muslims are like that on the oustside,inside they are very different people.People that are hard to impress no matter hom much you do for them.

    They always want more,or say something or the other,they just cant be satisfied.

    I dont think Muslims sound like liberals,if they did America is in trouble again.

  • 2 decades ago

    What an intelligent observation. You're a regular Nobel prize winner...

    When you refer to Muslims, you of course lump all of them into one giant America-hating, terrorism-loving bunch. With liberals, you probably consider anyone who dares call themselves a Democrat an unpatriotic, treasonous, scaredy-cat wimp. Too bad for you the world doesn't work that way.

    I'm a patriotic American and I feel deceived by my president. Which pile do you want to dump me in?

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