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would you agree?

that people with alot of yahoo answer points, arent cool, but they are just showing everyone how dull and boring they are... that they just sit in front of the computer... am i wrong?


its wierd, and some of them actually try to write like they are smart or poetic or something, its kind of lame.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    no... i think you're right! they're losers/pc geek/i got nothing else to do but sit at my god!!. it's like.... they sit at there're computers and do it for like..... 7 hours strate.

    anyway, you made a good point they show off alot to.. why should they?? there're just points!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    are you jelous? I don't know, I would say that maybe they are lost lonely people who have nothing else to enrich their lives. Should we make a big deal about it? NO! because it doesn't matter. I think that it's fun to read all the different answers and how varied some of them are. That's what makes this fun and interesting. I would say that maybe they don't have alot of friends maybe they don't have kids, but ultimately we don't know and why should we judge them. I don't think that is what this is all about. I also think that maybe they could be wiser and we are lucky that they share their knowledge and opinions with us. I guess it's all in how you want to look at it, but I choose not to bash someone just because they spend alot of time on their computer. MayBe those higher ups can give you a better answer or address why they dedicate so much time to answering our sometimes inteligent and sometimes stupid questions? Again it is truly all in how you look at something, they could be laughing at all of us, who knows!?

  • zbelle
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Some people have more free time than others and Yahoo!Answers is very addictive! It's hard for me to stop once I get started on this. I've worked up to level 5, but that doesn't mean I'm boring or dull, just that I have time to do this.

  • 2 decades ago

    Mmm let me see...

    I have a job (in fact I have 3, but teaching won't start for another week)

    I have a boyfriend

    I have great friends

    I have interesting pets

    I have a full life

    I also have some knowledge of certain field which I love to share, and many formed opinions on several issues that I also like to share.

    I'm interested in other viewpoints and cultures.

    I also read and type fast.

    But I'm not cool, that's true.

    Thanks for your question, it made me feel good to realize that you are wrong.


    Update: OMG, this is a list, not poetry.

    I'm smart, but I'm not cool, I think I already told you that :-)

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    No! I know many people here that have a lot of points and are,in fact,very interesting and funny!

    Calimecita(above)is one of the best and I can think of at least a dozen others,right now.Maybe you should take the time to get to know people before judging them!

  • 2 decades ago

    I think they have a lot of points because they answer a lot of questions and have been at it longer than others.

    They are just numbers, silent, what is the big deal?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    if someone has a lot of points on yahoo/answers it doesn`t means he/she is smarter than you.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I think that you shouldn't be such an ***!!

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