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can it be okay to just recognize differences...?

have preferences, and not be called Prejudice, or at least not have the title of Prejudice be so rotten? We all feel them ,we all have our own opinons, no matter where we get them.

It seems like we are getting too scared to even mention them. Am I wrong?

7 Answers

  • Smoove
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of Course. For example, you can prefer to date certain people, but still be friends with people you wouldn't date. Attraction is an exception, b/c we are not all attracted to the same thing.

    Preference and prejudice are similar but at the same time very different. Preferring one thing does not completely close the door to the other. When one totally closes the door and writes someone off without knowledge or history that is prejudice, b/c no chance was given. But with history and knowledge comes preference.

    What one must be careful with is drawing preference from the experiences of others, not that it can't be done, but that will lead to stereotypes and unjust assumptions.

  • Nikki
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    It is ok to feel nervous about such a sensitive subject. That is why I am going to go ahead and be blunt here. :-)

    It is OK to have preferences AND prejudices. For me, what is so important is: how do I react to my prejudices towards others and how do I get over some of it if my prejudices are too strong for me to make friends and make peace with others?

    If my prejudices is getting in the way, then I have a problem.

    I also think it is the media that is harping hard on people having just a minute amount of prejudice, and some of the more fanatical liberals are foaming at the mouth at the smallest drop of prejudice, even saying having preferences can be "a bad thing". *sigh* I think it is that attitude that is making everyone walk on eggshells all the time and boy, are our feet and leg muscles wearing down! :-/

    It is ok to have them. Just be careful about it and go with your heart. If you feel comfortable with a person enough to talk about such issues, then go ahead. :-) If you are unsure, keep them to yourself and do the waiting game and see. :-) I feel comfty enough with my Significant Other who is a "mixed" that I can tease him in a loving way about his cute soft "kinky hair". *purrrr* ;-)

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Yes, this is a very sensitive subject. Some people are very caution not acknowledge that there are differences because they want to be sensitive to others. There are also some people who enjoy being crude and hateful by pointing out differences in a mean way.

    I think that it's okay to be different and to recognize differences. Yes we are all a part of the human race but within that race we have differences as well as similarities. I don't think that we should view those differences as something negative or bad, per se.

  • 2 decades ago

    Sure. I call black black, gay gay, white white, etc., etc.

    I accept that I am gay and white.

    I accept that others are whatever.

    I believe it's the sweeping comments or half truths and the judgements calls that individuals often make on the basis of such that stirs up so much unnecessary, counter-productive problems. For example: All gays are promiscuous. All blondes are airheaded. All Christians are bigots. All atheists are evil.

    Then, on top of that.... passing laws on the basis of such...

    Get my drift?

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  • DJ
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    I feel like I can't even say the word black around black people. Is that kind of what you meant? I can't say much of anything as a white person without being seen as prejudiced.

  • 2 decades ago

    you know when your baby they say GROW UP!.. Yet grownups are the biggest babies on the planet.. Theolistic wars, arguing finite MOOT points. They ball and booob about everything from the weather to what color the niebs are...its all complete idiocy!..

    Source(s): Say what you want and be who you are because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss
  • 2 decades ago

    Smoove's answer was right on target. I have nothing else to add. Thanks for restoring my faith in humanity.

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