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There are 2 main schools of thought, on this passage, just curious to see the comparison.?

"Two working in a field, 1 shall be taken, & the other is left."& "as it was in the days of Noah,.. and they knew not, till the flood came & took them all away. I personally view this as the "separation of the sheep & goats" at the end of the 7yr Tribulation Period. They are taken & destroyed as those were in the Flood of Noah. The other view is that this is the Rapture of the Church, and they are taken to Heaven. I'd like to see the reasonings of the Y A Respondents.


In Matt chapt 24, it speaks of the flood of Noah, and the group was "business as usual." "and they knew not, till the flood came and TOOK them all away." The flood "TOOK" them to their destruction. It is the same word used in,"one taken & the other left." When the desciples ask where this is, Jesus answered, "Where the body(carcass) is, there shall the eagles (vultures) be gathered." Matt 24:28 & Luke 17:37. It appears obvious it is to "Death" because the carrion eaters are there. Vultures are not needed for the Rapture, there will be no "carcass" for them to feed on.

I,m getting some real good input from you all. Thanks for your input.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    yours is most correct!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Look in Matthew, it begins with "...of that day and hour no one knows". It then cannot be at the end of the tribulation because that ends after 7 years, right? OK, what set apart the days of Noah? Eating, drinking, giving in marriage, basically, business as usual until the flood came when they were not expecting.

    Now look at what those who are taken and left are doing. Business as usual, then one is gone. I can see your point, but the scripture to me is talking about a world wide rapture taking place at one instance. Note, one set is sleeping in bed (night), another set is working in the field (morning), another set is grinding at the mill (afternoon). This points to a round earth where it is night on one third, afternoon on another third and evening on the last third.

    It ends with "Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." Sounds like a rapture to me.

    Source(s): Matthew 24 Luke 17
  • 2 decades ago

    Luke Ch 17

    34I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.

    35Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

    36Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

    I think it proves that the Bible is inspired. It speaks of a night when people are sleeping, and men are in a field, and women are grinding. Now remember, this was before electricity so people slept at night and worked during the day. Yet the Bible says some people are sleeping and some are working when this event takes place.

    What I'm getting at is that the Bible implicitly tells us that the earth is round. (You know, daylight on one side and dark on the other) This was at a time when EVERYBODY believed that the earth was flat. Some people were afraid Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth while searching for America. So whatever this passage is speaking of, it will happen. That's my 2 cents.

  • 2 decades ago

    The Bible talks about being taken away in the twinkling of an eye (rapture) but there is a lot of controversy over when. I lean towards the pre tribulation rapture as at the end of the 7 year tribulation Christ (physically) will be in Jerusalem and rule from there for the 1000 year reign. Why then should there be a post trib rapture if Christ is here. More sensible pre or mid tribulation. Then again we need to be prepared for whatever happens, as it is prophecy and subject to interpretation. Not like salvation, you are either saved or not. I vote for pre first then mid trib, but will be prepared for whatever.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It could be separation of the sheep & goats. Or separation of the wheat from the tare. I believe it is the rapture from the great tribulation since God raptured Noah from the flood.

    Raptured, saved, carried away, separated, divided. It's all the same.

  • 2 decades ago

    This is a great parable from Luke.

    I see it as the 2nd coming of Christ. When Jesus comes, it will be without any sign or warning. People will be going about their daily routines and then it will all change in a split second. Those that are taken away will be taken to Heaven and those who are left behind will face judgement. Even though it will happen fast and without warning, all will know that it is Christ coming for His people.


  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Grace unto you, and peace,

    from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    These 2 schools of thought are:

    Scape-goats -vs- Dumb-sheep

    Both unaware divisional Son of man

    would destroy them all in Luke 17.

    Such is as earthy as it gets:

    Mosaic-law -vs- Another-law

    Both stem from schoolmaster "law" in Galatians,

    is the sort of master witch fails every student.

    Colossians 3:1-3 is written to such like:

    noting it's "Christ" that is "seated" right,

    denoting it's grace that's right of law/grace.

    As for rapture theories, it's already too late,

    for such pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib theories,

    since past millennium was also last millennium,

    had false/true ends & 3 1/2 yr countdown to it.

    Such 42 month countdwn began June 96 in Grenwich.

    False end thereof called Y2K. It is now 2006 AD.

    Both sides of them vs them simply a blame game.

    God hath provided some better thing for "us".

    Not to mention no "them" at all in "us-ward".

    Let "us" go on unto "perfection".

    By leave them vs them "principles".

    Which things are an "allegory", and "mystery",

    in which "escape" is via "give more earnest heed".

    The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

    Source(s): Holy Bible is not Holy Holy in the end is already written.
  • 2 decades ago

    I think both are correct. In a sense couldn't you say the rapture will be a separating of sheep and goats?

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