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When do you hand out religious pamphlets?

Twice now at work I have had customers hand me born again Baptist pamphlets at work. I'm a cashier so basically, I ring these people up, they pay and then they hand me a pamphlet. There is nothing about my appearance, demeanor or manner of dress at work that screams "SINNER" as far as I'm aware. In fact, there is no way that they could be sure, not knowing me at all, that I am not a born again Baptist. Yet no one else at my work has been handed a pamphlet on the job. So my question is this, to anyone out there who hands out religious pamphlets: do you carry a lot with you and hand them out to any convenient person, or do you only carry a few and pick out people that seem like godless heathens based on appearance?

16 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hmm...are you the only cashier in the place? If so, you are the most accessible employee there, the one with the most customer contact.

    I do something similar. I used to hand out tracts from the American Bible Society, when they used to have tracts with little or no commentary, just pure Scripture. I'd hand them out at events like parades or protests or with my Halloween treats for trick-or-treaters. Unfortunately ABS was taken over by interests that turned ABS into just another conservative-run Christian outfit, and they no longer make those commentary-free tracts.

    A couple of times I've written and produced my own tracts. When I discovered, I started ordering business cards that quote Scripture and point to my websites. I hand out such cards to cashiers, bus drivers, token booth clerks, etc. It doesn't matter to me what they look like. We are all sinners, and we all need God. I also include my cards in some mailings, and sometimes include them with greeting cards, or leave them at the ATM area of my bank, on the counter. Oh, yeah, at parades and protest and Halloween treats and such.

    All that said, it's possible that your tract-givers are of the ilk that hand out their materials only to those "sinners" they think really need them. Maybe something about your appearance moves them to do this. If so, I apologize to your for their bigotted behavior. Please don't judge Jesus by them.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Religious Pamphlets

  • 2 decades ago

    Fact: We are all sinners, and we all need the free gift of salvation from God. This is offered through the Lord Jesus Christ described in the Bible. These customers are trying to show you the love of Jesus Christ. You should really feel honored they care enough for you to want to make sure you know where you are headed after your time on this earth is finished.

    I would recommend reading the pamphlet. If after you read it, you think you don't need the gifts, then that is up to you, but I think it would be worth your while. Take a risk....

  • 2 decades ago

    This is a good question.

    I used to find them on my car all the time. Granted, there were a few questionable bumper stickers on there...but still.

    Just try to remember that the people giving them to you are really practicing what they feel is right. I would say that you look like a godless heathen to them. Is it always the same people? They may just be in there on your shift...but strange that you are the only one who gets them.

    They are probably "called" to give the info to you.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I am 51 years old. I have been a christian for many years. I am a Sunday School Superintendent. Yet I have never in all my life given a Godless heathen a religious pamphlet.

    I am so sorry you were so badly mistreated like that.

  • 2 decades ago

    As a hard-line atheist, I do not ever hand out religious tracts. However, I do collect them. In my ongoing quest for knowledge and fascination with strange things I love to find these on the subway.

    However, I think that it is pretty uncool for the Baptists to hand them to you at work.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    LOL! This is exactly why I DON'T hand pamphlets out willy-nilly. It's a waste of pamphlets, and only serves to alienate people who are not ready for the message. May I apologize to you on their behalf?

  • 2 decades ago

    I once read on a roleplaying forum that a person was purchasing copies of an anti Dungeons and Dragons tract called "Dark Dungeons" and handing them out at Sci-fi cons for humor value. It has become a roleplayer's comedy classic. (I have linked the text version) So if you do hand out tracts, make sure they are not unintentionally funny to your prospective audience.

  • 2 decades ago

    I have pamplets in my possesion but I never give one to anybody unless they ask a question that would be better answered by a particular pamplet. I don't believe that a pamplet can save anyone, but they can point someone in the right direction to find answers.

    Even if I'm able to answer a question, most pamplets have scripture in them that is words inspired by God. I would rather anyone would hear God's word any day.

  • Nikki
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    I never give them out and I refuse to take them when offered. Tho, I do get my share placed on my car cuz of my bumper stickers. ;-) I tolerate finding them mainly cuz of one reason: Freedom of Speech. I say what I want and they can say what they want, re: phamphlets. And no, I don't read them at all. They go into the trash promptly.

    I call the ones I get on my car "Hit-And-Runs". They leave it but don't want to face the consequences of their actions. They just leave and then...."run for daaa hills". ;-)

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