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Has anyone actually converted because of a religious pamphlet?

Some religious groups like to hand out pamphlets to random people - I'm sure we've all seen this. So, the question is, does anyone actually decide to convert based on recieving a tiny and simplistic pamphlet with a salvation prayer on the back? I could see it happening perhaps if the situation was desperate, but all people I've seen who have converted to another religion can usually fit their reason into one of three categories: 1. They actively decided they wanted to convert after personally seeking out information on that religion, not after passively recieving a pamphlet on a religion they previously had no interest in. 2. They converted because the person they were romantically interested in practiced that religion. 3. After being dissatisfied with their current religion they wandered to another relatively random one in hopes that it would fulfill their needs.

And if pamphlets annoy people so much, don't you think it will drive them away from your religion instead of towards it?

16 Answers

  • Rusty
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    those little pamphlets are meant to be handed out when you go and talk to someone. After talking to them,and they show interest in what you say, it is a sort of a thought to leave you with. I agree people who throw them at you or annoy you with them are hurting the cause more than helping

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I agree. I will never convert because of a pamphlet, basically because I don't read pamphlets. As a matter of fact, when I see it coming, I don't even give them a chance to give me the pamphlet or to talk me into converting.

    And I also agree that pamphlets might not be a good idea to make people come to churches, but since I am not a believer, I don't really care much either.

  • 2 decades ago

    They do not believe the pamphlet will convert you. Only the Spirit can move someone to accept Jesus as Savior.

    Giving someone a pamphlet is just a small part(possibly) of a huge process. I may plant the seed, someone else may water it, but only God can make it grow into a strong and beautiful tree :)

  • 2 decades ago

    Apparently so, otherwise either one of two things would happen:

    1. These organizations would realize that handing out pamphlets was an ineffective way of recruiting people and would search out a more effective means. Thus, no more distributing (or at least greatly reduced) of this type of material.

    2. Organizations that relied solely upon this technique would eventually wither away in attrition and would cease to exist.

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  • I live in a very conservative area, and see these pamphlets non-stop. It's definitely annoying and makes me not want to hear anything about their religion (especially when they stand on the street corners with old ladies handing out their junk...can't be rude to an old lady.

    what I do is I just take every single pamphlet they produce. I toss it into my "trashbag o' salvation" at home. One less pamphlet on the streets...I did my job.

  • 2 decades ago

    well my brother is serving a 2 year mission. he is LDS and so am i. we are all about passing out the pamphlets. Not everyone reads them. We try to give them to people who seem interested, and many conversions are because of a pamphlet or a member sending missionaries to a home of an interested person.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Actually it was after reading a religious pamphlet about 20 years ago that helped convert me to Christianity.

    Jesus was always there for me. All I had to do was to accept his free gift of salvation.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    yes, soon after first seeing my first Jack Chick pamphlet, I irrevocably and completely found myself to be an atheist.

    the mere fact that such things can exist was enough to convince me that there is no god.

    those Watchtowers the Jehovah's Witnesses were always handing out and the Western Catholic Reporters left lying around had only taken me as far as agnostism, but Jack Chick made me the secular atheist I am today.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    I would be in category 1,that started with a pamphlet.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I don't think a pamphlet has ever converted anybody. Maybe the pamphlets just piqued their interest in religion and got them to church, where they later converted.

  • Nikki
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    The phamphlets of whatever religion....I consider a form of proseltyizing. I really dislike any and all forms. The phamphlets I recieved from some people in my past actually drove me _away_ from the christian religion and for *years* I thought christianity was a religion to be _avoided_ at all costs.

    I sometimes wonder to myself if I would be a christian today if I recieved NO proselytizing whatosever. Who knows?

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