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Elvendra asked in PetsCats · 2 decades ago

My kitten is nasty towards me.?

I have a 10 month old kitten called Smeagol. When I stroke him, he starts purring and rubbing his head on my hand. Then, with no warning, he grabs my hand with his front paws and bites my hand REAL hard and kicks my arm with his back legs. He does this for about 2 seconds then runs away and hides. I don't understand why he does this. He is not playing as he seems angry with me afterwards as if I did something wrong. He also has all his claws out. I have a few nasty cuts down my arm.

37 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    This happens a lot with cats. It is called agressive play. They would normally do this with their cat peers. He seems angry because he can't understand why you don't want to "play," too.

  • 2 decades ago

    Is your cat neutered? It sounds like he's (for lack of a better word) challenging you - something boy-cats do normally to their peers, usually to other cats...but often enough to their people if you are "close" to him. It's a natural behavior, and combination play/learning/fighting stuff that cats do. Particularly if he's not neutered, at this age he's a "teenager" and his hormones are spazzing out and his stimulation point is all over the place. Some cats play that way all their life, and can be trained by a perpetual littany of "no teeth", "no biting", etc. but the running away part seems to indicate that something else is up.

    I found that sometimes it's easier on my hands and arms if I DON'T pull away immediately...remember, cats play with their prey. If it fights, it's fair game. ;)

    If he's already fixed, call the vet and discuss it with them. If he's not, get him neutered and see how it goes. Declawing a cat is essentially cutting his fingers off at the first joint, and is a terribly cruel and inhumane thing to do. And it won't solve the teeth problem.

  • 2 decades ago

    He might be getting too excitted by the petting and loving, then loses control. I have a cat that is like that sometimes, in fact, I've seen or had a few cats that had that Dr.Jeckyl/Mr.Hyde side to them when being petted. I even named one of my cats MB for Moody B*&%^#.

    Pay realy close attention to the 'turning' point in Smeagol, ie: when does Gollum take over? Quickly let him go and stay away from him. Try giving him some space or being very gentle and calm towards him until he calms down. He might grow to trust you more with time.

    On the other hand, consider changing his name to some character that does not suffer from a split personality disorder... Or was that intentional?

  • pugrc
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Some cats have a lower threshold of excitement than others - they get to a point when they can't control themselves. Keep the stroking sessions shorter and it might help. Some cats are like that. If you get a chance flick him hard on the nose when he bits you and say "no" - they hate that. Declawing is inhumane and very painful to cats. Also, they just bite harder. Also, talk to him a lot, give him kitty treats, etc. and keep lots of eye contact with him and keep the actual stroking really low key. Hope this helps.

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  • 2 decades ago

    There are a couple reasons - he could be telling you that he has had enough of being petted. He could also be trying to play- kittens learn to hunt in this way with their siblings and expect to be 'told' when they have gone too far. (This may also be a sign that he's bored- get some dangling teaser toys and play with him at least 20 minutes a day).

    Next time, try to catch him before he runs off, and tell him no in a firm voice. He needs to know what your limits are.

    You can trim his claws to help reduce the scratching. Nail clippers for cats can be found at any pet store.

  • 2 decades ago

    My cat does that also sometimes! I think it's just a temperament issue. Some cats like more affection than others. I also think maybe he thinks he's being playful. I actually have 2 cats and what you are describing sounds like the same behaviors that one cat will do to the other right before they start chasing each other and wrestling. And it is all in fun for them. He probably has no idea he is hurting you.

  • 2 decades ago

    Give him a ring!?!

    I have a cat named Graycie that would do this to me when she was petted. She would come up to me and lie down right next to me, I would rub her and kabaam, she would attack. I started ignoring her. It took about a month, but she finally got so attentive that she "forgot" to play her little game. I might add that we got Graycie when she was six months old from the SPCA, so I don't know what her background was. We also got her cage mate from the SPCA. (We named her Princess)

    If it does not stop within a month or so, take him to the vet and talk to his Dr. about his behavior. Good luck.


  • 5 years ago

    you're going to have a problematical pastime with the mummy because she is used to the wild edge of existence. you mustn't contact the kittens immediately, they're a lot too youthful and the mummy received't like it in any respect. My a million 12 months previous trusts me impeccably, and he or she gave start to 5, 12days in the past. She spends all her time with them yet doesn't like it in any respect when I p.c.. them up. in case you pick your ferals believe, you should go away her by myself with her kittens for a minimum of yet another couple of weeks. contained in the destiny, in case you recommend to keep the mummy it will be extremely helpful. Ferals stay through distinct guidelines yet they can get to love you. you'll favor to study your cats language although, she will be able for example each and every thing she needs. keep your distance with her for the instantaneous, enable her comprehend the position the nutrition is and that it really is you who's giving it to her. And remember, the cat has were given to be allowed to possess you, no longer any incorrect way round.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The kitten thinks of you as his "big brother/sister". He wants to play. He is full of energy and, if he is an only cat, no one to unleash it on. He may be offended because you don't tussle with him. He wants to play rough. My cat, who is 7 months, does the same thing to me now that his "sister" is too mature to want to play. Ever since her first heat, she only hisses at my Ranch when he tries to play. Then Ranch comes over to me and does the same thing you are describing. The only difference is that I play rough back! Sure I have scratches, but it prevents him from getting into a real fight with his "sister" Nugget. She is a 9 month old black stub-tail, and she can be quite feisty.

    Source(s): I'm a freakin cat lady waiting to happen!
  • 2 decades ago

    All of the cats I've ever had do this. I'm not sure why she's mad at you afterward, but she's probably just playing. Try giving her a toy to do this to instead of your hand. When you pet him, just pet him for a second before he gets a chance to do it and then give him a mouse toy.

  • 2 decades ago

    That is the way that Kitty's show there affection they don't mean to hurt you they jest get excited and they usually cant control the urge to bite and kick and he probably runs and hides because he senses your displeased with him some Kitty's only give little love bites but some don't realize they are hurting you

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