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What do people think the USA is a Christian country but not everyone is a Christian?

Why do people say that America is a Christian nation but not everyone is a Christian.

Another thing why do politician think America was founded by God they are nuts

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because christians are all insane and they think they are the only right ones, and the only ones that should exist.

  • 2 decades ago

    I guess the reason why people think of America as a Christian nation is because the overwhelming majority of the population is Christian. As far as the USA being founded by God, that comes from the fact that the original colonies were settled by Christians who left England to the New World so they could practice their religion and not be stifled by a government imposed theology.

    Our founding fathers created the original laws of this country and laid the ground work for what is the USA based on biblical truths (Holy Bible that is). Those original documents have given every American the rights and freedoms we enjoy and take for granted. What has happened in this country today is we have been acosted and beseiged by people of other lands and religious beliefs who want to live here and impose their beliefs on our system. Please don't get me wrong we are the "Melting Pot" of the world which for the most part has been a good thing. However there is a certain element that has arisen here which has become like a cancer on our society. Slowly but surely this cancer will eat away at our freedoms. Then we will become like every other great society in history that has failed. Our main problem is information or the increase of bad info and the decrease of truthful info. Do yourself and this country a favor do your research and learn everyting you can and don't rely on the media, internet, or MTV for the truth. Go to the library and read a book. You WILL be a better person and a better American for it.

  • 2 decades ago

    The majority of the United States is Christian. At least they say they are even though most have no idea what that lintels, but I digress.

    They say the country was founded on Christianity because many of the founding fathers had Christan ideals. Today the right wing love to talk about how the country founded on Christianity when that could not be farther from the truth. The country was purposefully set up to never interfere with religious beliefs.

  • 2 decades ago

    Some people think that just because the country was founded on christianity, it is a christian nation. However, this is not the case. The country was founded on freedom. Including freedom of religion. The majority of people living here, at the time, were christian, but freedom is the more important underlying concept. As religiously diverse as we have become, it is not appropriate for any laws, procedures that apply to the public, government official or establishment to promote any religion over any other. Separation of church and state.

    And what really annoys me is when some christians take this neutral stance as an attack on their beliefs. That's incredibly rude and arrogant. They need to stop whining, and realize that their beliefs are just beliefs, and have no more place in our society than anyone else's, and no one is trying to take God away from them.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Not everyone says that. I am a Christian, but I also happen to be intelligent enough to know that a country cannot be Christian, any more than it can be Jewish, Muslim, or any other religion. Many of the founders of this country were Christians, but not all of them. Alot of our laws are based on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Although I believe that Christianity played a major role in the founding of the nation, I do not believe that it is the driving force in our government today. Neither is it the center of fucus for the population of the country.

  • 2 decades ago

    America was not founded on Judeo-Christian principles; it was founded on Anglo-Saxon ones. The balance of power in government between multiple branches, a bicameral legislature, trial by a jury of your peers, and many of the other cornerstones of our political system are nowhere to be found in Christian doctrine, or in any other religious doctrine.

    Religion is antithetical to the operation of a free society. But don't take my word for it. Read the history of Europe during the Dark Ages. Ask anyone who lived in Afghanistan during the autocratic rule of the Taliban. Try going to Iran and exercising the Western freedoms you take for granted.

    It is a lie to say that America as a political entity was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.

    The reason people say that the USA is a Christian country is that most of its residents profess belief in some Christian sect.

  • 2 decades ago

    well today, America is one of the most immoral countries. the reason why it has a reputation of a Christian country is because it was founded by Christians. The pilgrims, john smith, george washington, etc. it has gradually become worse over two hundred years, but during that period, we also built up a reputation of a Christian country because of the leaders at the time (even though the people necessarily werent christians) because so many people have rejected christianity up to this point and has become so great, the leaders have also changed their Godly ways. because remember, the people choose the leaders. so the leaders must also apease the people to a certain extent. i am not, however, saying tthat i do not like George bush. he is a good Christian leader and though under the pressure of American society, still keeps his eyes and God and does what God directs him to do

  • 2 decades ago

    The U.S. was formed by men who were largely of Christian faith. When colonists first arrived here, they were in many cases Protestants who were fleeing persecution in Europe. Thus, due to that foundation, may believe that the U.S. is founded upon Christian values. However, the Constitution allows for a pluralistic society. Thus, the country itself was resolved to be non-denominational. It allowed room for all faiths. The problem lies in the fact that too many people use their own interpretations of the Bible to back up their own beliefs and try to justify their actions. If a person really reads the Bible, though, they would see that God does not support one country over another. Instead, He is allowing governments to exist for a set time.

    Thus, while the U.S. was formed under Judeo-Christian auspices, the country itself is not "founded by God". It is tolerated.

  • 2 decades ago

    I think what is written in most of the history books with regards to the history of America leads some people to believe it is a Christian nation. The mass exodus of English settlers claim to have left England to settle in America so that they would be free to explore Christianity in other denominations (i.e. Protestants, Baptists, Catholics, etc.) or not practice Christianity at all.

    I don't know where you are going with the last part of your question.

    Source(s): Most American history books.
  • 2 decades ago

    The US is based on Christian principles, yet due to its constitution it remains free to other religions. Therefore, many people who wish to experience the "American way of life" come to the country bringing their own religion. To say that a country is dictated by a single religion does not in any way mean that EVERY single person will follow it. No country in the world can claim to have all of its inhabitants subscribing to one religious philosopy. Because a majority of the voting people in America are christian, politicians use religious speeches and such to appeal to the voters.

  • 2 decades ago

    The vast majority of Americans believe in christianity, America was founded on Judeo Christian beliefs.

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