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How do you rank your nation :?

According to a quote 'A nation is best judged by how the majority treats the minority'. By this...on a scale of 1-5, how would you rank your nation and why?

1-very poorly 2-somewhat poorly 3-there is a minority? 4-somewhat good 5-very good

12 Answers

  • rian30
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer


    they have all the legal/ constituotional rights and some times more rights than majority. for while they are allowed to open community schools and organnizations to propogate and preserve their culture those sects which are accepted in hinduism can not do so. hindu temples are taxed. muslims going to mecca are subsidised from government funds. they still have personal laws and for marriage divorce or inheritence they go by it.

    in undevided india muslims were 14% of poplulation. in pakistan area hindus were 23% and bagladesh 33%. now they are 2% and 10 % of the population in respective countries. but in india muslims are 20-30% of population. we have muslim immigraents legal and illegal both kind from all neighbouring countries. be it bangladesh , afganistan even pakistan. i doubt in any other country a community which gave the majority so many grivences will dare to go if they had any fear of being retaliated.

    in india, majority of hindus behaves tolerantly. there have been a few hindu retaliations but each time it happenned when pushed too far by continuous one sided provocations of minorities .

    though i am getting worried if we could keep this fabric in future upto much extent. ongoing conversion to christianity drives are posing new challages to majority patience.

    church has always resorted to theological deciet for conversion in india. they often pick local heroic stories and replace name of jesus with it. in Asam they replace name of rama and krishna with jesus in famous bar geets till the locals reacted angrily . last year on krishna janmashtami they set up stalls and the pictures based on krishna's life in Banglore. but they replced Krishna with infant jesus . all the famous devotees of Krishna were shown as they were worshipping jesus instead.

    Church congregations use harassment, ostracism and other forms of force to increase their flock. Non-converted portions of a family land into disputes with neo-Christian portions over funeral customs, ownership of land and other matters and this result in clashes between groups which newspapers promptly label as anti–Christian acts, whereas these are often clashes between converted and non-converted tribals.

    christians mssionaries in India have often been a divisive force, which used the tribals for advocating a breaking-up of the country. Today, Christian terrorists feel emboldened to use the gun to force Jesus down the throats of unwilling tribals. North East india is the worst affected part.

    missionaries actively involve in bad mouthing local relegions. last year a mr cooper came on tourist visa. he not only violated visa rules he went on to call Krishna a satan and that Krishna is the cause of AIDS.they keep on behaving outragiously for conversion and when locals react even a bit they call it christian persecution.

    I sincerely hope that we will able to take this pressure in future too and will be able overcome it in a peacefull manner maintaing our own heritage, culture and beliefs. It is really unique. unity between diversity is our motto for at least 6000 years now.

  • Nikki
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    2. The majority tends to feel comfortable that they can bully the minority and "get away with it" cuz they are large in numbers. However, I gotta say something....more thoughts on this may be included at my 360* blog tomorrow sometime. My opinionated nature is flaring a bit.

    Most groups feel like _they_ are in the "minority" for various reasons. The thought goes....if everyone is feeling like they are in a "minority" and the "others" are the "bullies" shows how shoddily we are treating each other, right? *sigh*

    Wait, I think I am changing my 2 to a 1 cuz of that.

    EDIT: KUDOS to Calvin the Bold for redeeming my faith in this nation and how fortunate *I* am to be living in America. That is a heartfelt loving 5. Thank you sweetie....but I still rank it 1 in terms of minority vs. majority mentality. :-/

  • 2 decades ago

    Being part of the minority (male), I'd have to rank it about a 4. By and large most women treat me okay.

    (Women still do outnumber men in the US, don't they? The women/men breakdown is the only one I'm aware of where there is actually a majority (>50%) as well as a minority (<50%).)

  • 2 decades ago


    India is a secular and democratic country.

    i agree with rian30 completely!In India, the minorities have more freedom and more privileges.This doesn't just include religious minorities but other minorities as well(pertaining to the earlier prevalent caste systems).

    It is so much to the extent that i felt it was unfair.From education to jobs, from birth to death in many ways.

    I live in another country now and i see the difference here.The minority struggles, literally! Now, i feel proud of being from a country that offers so much to its minority but however, i feel it would be so much more accepted if practiced for more humane reasons than political reasons!

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  • 2 decades ago

    5 For all of the problem we have in America, it is still the heaven on earth. I just traveled oversea and boy was I glad to come back. I think Americans are the most fortunate people in the world. Unfortunately a lot of us take every thing for granted.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    1 America is so worried about hurting the feelings of "minority"groups that it caters to the minorities to the exclusion of the majority in a lot of cases.

  • 2 decades ago

    I love america but much room for improvement. So i give it a 3. You are very qualified to be a mason gab. I.M i will answer all questions

  • 2 decades ago

    3 - I can't tell who's in the minority any more, to be honest. Goodness, sometimes I even have difficulty sorting out who's meant to be representing us...

  • 2 decades ago

    mmmm... I give Colombia a 5.0 just because I love my country. Based in your chriteria i'll give it a 3.3

  • 2 decades ago

    my nation is 1- very poor....

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