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Kelly_from_Texas asked in PetsDogs · 2 decades ago

Did you KNOW??

How many of you know that when you buy a cute fluffy little puppy from a pet store (especially a large chain pet store) you're probably supporting a puppy mill? Do you know what a puppy mill is? It is a so called breeder that breeds for profit by having their dames (mom dogs) get pregnant too close together again and again. And then they keep the poor pups and the moms (and dads for that matter) in filthy wire cages, laying in their own poop and urine without the care of vet's and with little or no exercise or affection. Really sad huh?!

So please when you want to adopt a ball of little fluff go to a shelter first! They do have purebreds too, but a mixed breed is really an excellent pet. And new pups (and adult dogs as well) arrive everyday. So if you can't find just the right 'baby' for you, go back tommorrow or the next day. Maybe the right 'baby' will be waiting there, looking for just you.

Please tell me your thoughts!!

13 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I NEVER get any of my pets from a Pet Store, cause what you're saying is exactly right. When I do get a pet, I, first of all, go to the ASPCA to see if I can adopt a pet. If the pet I'm looking for isn't there, then I'll just go through friends. My dog, who's 5yrs old and a cross between a lab, a daschound?, and oh, who knows...she's a beautiful dog, my best friend in the world, and she cost me a whole $25. The owners got the pups their first shots, so I had to pay for that. The owners of Puppy Mills should be made to sit in one of those kennels for days and weeks on end, having to pee and poo in their own space, which dogs and cats HATE to do. I cannot stand the idea of helpless little puppies and kittens being made to live in places like that. People who think it's okay to run those things should be shot! The public needs to be more aware of such things, because who knows, you may be living right beside one and not even know it!!! You'd think that your neighbours are just "dog people" and have a lot of dogs. IF people are more educated on Puppy Mills and such, they could check things out themselves, and report such people to the OSPCA, or the police!! Good topic!!!

  • jodie
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    You said this better than I have ever read or heard. Thank you so much for putting this message out to people. Years ago I stupidly fell in love with a little puppy in a pet store. It looked exactly like my dog who had recently died. I did not know about puppy mills. The dog was a nightmare with so many psychological and physical issues that it could never adjust or love. I tried very hard to help the little dog. Finally, the vet advised euthanasia. It was so horribly sad...

  • 2 decades ago

    With you 100% If you decide to buy from a breeder check the breeder out the AKC. I bought a Norwegian Elk hound from a breeder and had some serious behavior problems that are usually associated with over breeding. The dog also got parvo. They claimed it was vaccinated. I have never had any problems with a dog I got from the pound.They are usually the best dogs. There are a lot of organizations that will help you find a pure breed you if you are looking for a Lassa. Yahoo pets has lots of links for other breed in pounds through out the US.

  • 2 decades ago

    goodness!!!!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH for pointing this out! I got a puppy once from a pet store and it turned out she was sick and I had to put her down. It was terrble for me AND I discovered that I was supporting a puppy mill! I am so happy you are telling people about this. It is a huge deal about puppy mills and people must know. The loss of my pup hurt me and it hurt even more that I supported a puppy mill. Thanks so much for saying something!

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  • 2 decades ago

    Thank you for shedding light on this horrific reality. Animals deserve better!! Many well-intentioned people unknowingly perpetuate the problem by patronizing pet shops.

  • 2 decades ago

    Thanks for writing this, because not everyone knows that. It's great to support animal shelters, because it is saving animals. If everyone stopped buying animals from pet stores, they would be shut down, which would save many animals. It's so sad that people put animals through that!

  • 2 decades ago

    I never get pets from petstores. Just freebies or adopt from a shelter.

    Shelter kittens and puppies are much better tempered than petstores... can we say "inbred"?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    a got my dog for free

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I can certainly sympathize with your position.

  • 2 decades ago

    i did know that but kudos for saying it

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